Saturday, May 5, 2012

Boy's Day

For centuries Japan celebrated Boy's Day on the 5th day of the 5th month.  In 1954 the festival became known as Kodomo-no-hi, a national holiday celebrating the healthy growth of all children - both boys and girls.  Families with a son would fly fish-shaped windsocks outside of their homes on a long pole.  The windsocks, known as koi-nobori, represent carp swimming upstream.  Parents hope their sons will overcome obstacles as they grow up and become men.  "Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power."  Ephesians 6:10

 Families with sons set up displays of samurai helmets and other martial symbols.  "Put on the full armour of God..." (Eph. 6:11-18)
Happy Boy's Day, Josh, Eli and Adam!


Twenty-eight years ago, we drove to the KC airport to pick up our precious daughter.  And now, our friends were having their turn.  Their son was also from Korea.  They went there to pick him up and several of us went to the airport to welcome them home.



Here they come!  There was whooping and hollering and clapping. 

As Nate met his family, there was a hushed silence, almost reverent.  Watching.   Most of us had tears of joy for this family finally uniting with their long-awaited son/brother.

Notice the Puffs?  The Buhlers had sent Puffs to Nate in Korea.  He loves them! 

The paperwork to get Nate home took a long time.  Very long. Too long for this family.  They had his picture for over a year. 
But now he is home!!  And we rejoice!

Then the rest of the children who had come sat down to welcome him.  There was lots of giggles and laughter.

More Puffs!

There were a few times that Nate jumped up and toddled over to his mommy.  Too precious for words.

Welcome home Nate!!

I was reflecting on Nate's arrival and thinking that it sort of reflects when we will one day go home to heaven.  There probably will be the whoops and hollers from the great cloud of witnesses as we arrive!  Everyone watching as we greet Jesus and our parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, great-grandparents, our unborn babies and the children who died before we did.  And then the crowd will expand as others greet us.  King David, Ruth, Moses, Elijah, Dwight L. Moody, and on and on....  And maybe there will even be some sort of heavenly Puffs too.  There will be a feast for sure!!  What great rejoicing that will be!

"Life is a temporary assignment.  Your identity is in eternity, and your homeland is heaven."

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I must preface this post in saying that I am usually a safe grandma.  Really.  One of the things the kids love to do is walk on my treadmill.  And sometimes jog too.  I am by their side ready to intervene if necessary.  I was in gymnastics in highschool and know about spotting.  I don't let them go too fast (unless we are putting stuffed animals on it to watch them whizz off which is hilarious to do!)  A few days ago, I let them go a little faster and when I saw them jumping, it made me laugh so hard - (they were being careful, I promise).  I had to take a picture but as soon as I did, I was back spotting them again.  

 * * * * * * * *
My back yard is so pretty this week!  Loving the creation of the Creator!

I took this picture through the screen of my kitchen window.  We have had a hard time in years past because they want to nest right over our doors.  And of course, that makes for a poopy mess on the floors.   I am ok with them nesting in the corner of the front porch.  So fun to watch them while I do dishes!!
 * * * * * *
This weekend, Angela, her daughter and mother flew in from Oregon where they live.  Tony and Angela were in our young married's Bible study many years ago.  Before they had Emma.
 We invited Joel and Kendall to come too since they were in the same small group.  Again, before children.

We had the grandkids as we usually do on Sunday evenings.  So they got to play with Emma and with the other kids.  Smiths were watching Luke so he came too and  he sure did enjoy the toy cars and trucks we got out!  .
  Adam and Jill came after their community life was over.
 The kids had so much fun in the backyard.

Look at our poor back yard!  Last years' heat took such a toll on it!  We have replanted the grass where it died, but it is still spotty.  It is growing though, so maybe by the fall it might look decent.  That is, if we have a summer that isn't a killer like it was last year!!  Oh my, I do not want to go through that again!!