Friday, May 11, 2012


I have been in a Biblestudy with some women my age (or older) now for many years.  It evolves every year depending on who can come and who can't.  There are a few of us who have been together a LONG time. 
This year for the first time, we met a lot at our church in the Fireside room.  We have gone to the Breadbasket at times in other years, but this year we had a big group and the Fireside was available.  Sometimes we go to eachother's homes too.  We take turns hosting and leading the study.  The host decides whether she wants to clean her house and get it ready or if she would just prefer it to be at church.
 We just had our very last get-together until the fall.  Mary Ellen invited us to her home.  We had such a great time laughing and sharing.  Often everyone is talking at the same time and it is pretty noisy!!  Mary Ellen shared a couple of stories she is working on.  We LOVE her stories of her birds!

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On Thursday, 3 of us Debbies from church got together to go garage saling.  We have several Debbies at church.  Debbe, Debbie, Debby, Deb, Debi....  It was popular in the '50's when we were born.
 At one garage sale, Debbie C. picked up one of these bread slicers.  We saw them at 2 more garage sales.  Guess they were the item to get rid of, but Debbie was sure excited to get one!  Two of the garage sales were adoption fund-raisers.  All 3 of us have adoption connections:  Debbie F and I have adopted kids and Debbie C. has 2 adopted grandchildren.
By noon we were ready to have some lunch and Debbie F. suggested Panda Express.  We had not eaten there before and we found it delicious!
Next time, we are wanting Debbe J. to come too (her daughter just had a baby so she could not come today).  Maybe we can go to Panera where they call out your name when your order is ready.
"Debbie, your order is ready."
"Debbie, your order is ready."
"Debby, your order is ready."
"Debbe, your order is ready."
And if we invite a few more of those Debbies from church, well, it would be hilarious, not?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Moving Millie

Dad and Aunt Millie

About 10 years ago, my Aunt Millie, Dad's oldest sister, moved to town and lived in the same retirement center as my parents.  She has lived in an apartment all these years and this past weekend, we moved her to the assisted living area. 
 My parents helped pack and move.  No one would believe they are in their 80's.  Seriously so very active and healthy!!
 Millie going through papers.  Deciding what to keep, what not to.

 Hannah and Sophia also came to help.  They carried pillows and odds and ends.  Such big helpers!
And Grandpa Pete gave them rides too!
 Millie's apartment is emptying out.
 Here she is in the new place.  Quite a bit smaller.  It has meant downsizing a lot.  I know it has to be hard.  An ending to another chapter in her life.
 At noon, we went to Wendy's, one of her favorite places to eat.  While we were ordering Sophia took this shot with the camera.
 And Hannah took this one.  I didn't even know it until I was reviewing the photos.  Sooo funny!

 This is Millie's grandson, David, who drove down from KC to help.
 Millie seems to like her new place.  And I LOVE the care they give!  Everyone is so very kind and helpful!

And it is so very close to my parents now.  Open the door and my parents are across the street in a duplex.  Very nice!!! 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Ballet recital

This year the girls have been taking ballet lessons from Miss Dunri with Angel Feet.

 Angel Feet Dance Studio is founded upon the principle that the purpose of all art (especially dance) is to glorify God. As each staff member is a Christian, teaching philosophies as well as the music selected and dance styles taught will reflect this. Please note that we are overt in our faith in Christ.

On Saturday evening, Hannah and Sophia had their ballet recital.  They do NOT allow any pictures. 
But they can take pictures at practice so Jill took these on the Thursday night before the real deal.

Good job girls!!  We were so proud you!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Young Mom's Bible study comes to a close

For several years now, my friend Sarah and I have had a young mom's Bible study.  The young moms in the group change each year, depending on the moms situations.  Last year we did a study on being moms, but this year we did a Beth Moore study on the life of  David. 
 What a great time we have talking and eating breakfast together!  The little children are taken care of in the nursery (except for the little bitty ones who come with mom)

 Study is done for the summer and we went to the park to have one last time together.

What fun it was when Charlie and Lillian just happened to show up to play at this particular playground the same day!  Jess was with us last year but was not able to this year. 

 Silly picture - except not too many of us were doing silly faces!
 Time to eat!  Everyone was hungry!

It was a yummy picnic!!  And a very "yummy" year with all the young moms and their little children!!!