Thursday, August 16, 2012

First day of school!

Jill invited me to come along with her to go with the kids to the start of the first day of school.  We were going to have them ride out with us, but the girls wanted to ride the bus!  So we took them to the bus stop.
Kindergarten and 2nd grader

How sweet that the girls are holding hands! 

There weren't too many little kids riding the bus that first day.  Aren't they so brave?

We followed the bus - Hannah wanted to make sure we got pictures of that, like we did when she was in kindergarten!

It is a good 15 minutes away.  Love this school in farm country!  It was where we sent our 3 children too.

The kids lined up in the gym with their classes for this first day before marching to their classrooms.

 Have a good day, Hannah!

Giving mommy a kiss on her hand.  And mommy can put it to her cheek anytime that morning when she feels lonely for Sophia.

Good-bye Sophia!

The parents were invited to the lunch room for some delicious coffee cake and to commiserate with the other parents.

Jill said she had to take another peek and make sure the kids were ok.  Dave said he wanted to go too.  So off they snuck to take one more look.

Looking forward to a wonderful year, but oh my, I will miss those girls coming to my house as much as they did this past year.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Friends Day

Yesterday was a day for friends.

 Becca and I met for coffee at Norms, the place to be in town.

I have known Becca and her family since she was six years old.  Her older sisters were our children's babysitters, and when she was old enough, she also babysat our kids.  Our kids' favorite sitter because she would bring a bag full of goodies!  And our Mindy was a flower girl in Becca's wedding.

More recently, Becca has been our Children's Ministry Director at our church and I was the Nursery Director.  Now, we are both "ex-directors".  Becca and her husband are taking on a new position at Ponca Bible Camp, a real answer to all our prayers for their family.  I am so excited for them!

After saying our good-byes (they move away this weekend!), I ran to Wichita for some shopping and time with more friends! 

I picked up Debbie.  Debbie had an accident on a bike and has to be in a sling for a few weeks.  She can't drive so she hung out with me - to a restaurant and several stores.

We went back to her house - I never knew that you can get virtual games for your cat! 

Then I went on to the airport to welcome a friend home from Peru with her 2 new children!  There were several others there to greet them also.

 Part of the new family (minus 2 older girls) - finally all together!

The day was not over.  In the evening I had a meeting with all my older friends to plan this coming year's Mom 2 Mom ministry we have at church.

A blessed day with special friends!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mindy's birthday

We celebrated Mindy's birthday on Sunday. 

Little did we know 28 years ago on August 12, that our daughter was being born far across the ocean.  We were at a parade in Pretty Prairie, celebrating the town's birthday.  We visited Al's Grandma B. in the nursing home there before the parade and I recall telling her that we would soon have a new baby coming.  We didn't know when she would be coming.  We orginally had been told we would have a baby girl by April, but here it was August, and no word yet.  It wasn't until September that we had word of our precious daughter.  This was the first picture we received of Mindy when she was 10 days old.  Soooo adorable!!

* * * * * * * * * *

On Sunday, Mindy came in the afternoon.  She and I went to visit my Dad since he would not be able to leave the home to come to her party.
While we were there, Al had investment club with these guys at our house.

When we came back home, they were done with their meeting.  Soon after we got back, Jill's family came and Grandma too. 

We have a tradition at our house.  The birthday person gets to choose the menu.  Mindy wanted grilled fish.  We also did chicken and brats for those who don't like fish.  She loves my potatoe salad and she also wanted strawberry pie for her "cake".

Claire with her Aunt Mindy

Hannah and Sophie had to help blow out the candles!

We decided to send Mindy on a scavenger hunt to find her gifts.  The first clue, which was in her birthday card, sent her to our bedroom.  There was another clue hidden under her Dad's pillow.

This clue sent her downstairs.

She found a clue taped to the treadmill.  This clue sent her back upstairs.... the pantry.

Back downstairs to the play room.


Then a clue to the furnace room to find....
furniture for her deck.

The last clue sent her to the baby room closet where she found a bird feeder with bird food.              

Happy Birthday, dearest Mindy!!
May God give you a blessed year!