Friday, November 16, 2012


I must admit that one of my least favorite jobs is cleaning the bathrooms, which is what I did today. 

Cleaning the mirrors, wiping down the counter and sinks,

scrubbing the shower
 and the tub

and of course the toilet.  I saw a video on housecleaning once that said if you would do 5-10 minutes a day (much like the maid at a hotel), that it would be not so bad.  But, it takes me 5 minutes just to clean the mirrors.  I DO NOT like cleaning the bathroom.

It would probably help if I didn't have so many nicky-nacks to clean around. 

But I like my pictures of the ocean where I grew up, the shells and family pictures of trips to the ocean.

Being November, the month of Thanksgiving, I have been trying to give thanks each day.  I've been posting those on Facebook. 

So, turning my negative attitude into a positive, I got to thinking, at least I don't have to go in a hole outside!

This photo below is the kind of bathrooms I learned to go on.  We had a western one in our house, but generally these were the toilets we used in Japan.

I hear that today they have real modern style ones,

complete with padded, heated seats,  and water sprays and blow dryers to clean you. And all of this is activated by the touch of a button on a remote control type panel.

Here are some other rather unpleasant toilets.

So, even though I do NOT like to clean my bathrooms, at least it is a very, nice one!

Monday, November 12, 2012

A little ceremony

We had a small private burial for Aunt Millie today.


 Al read Scriptures.

Dad prayed.
And I cried.

Reflecting and looking at relatives' stone.

It was Veteran's Day so there were several flags out.

We found an interesting one burial plot - this is a common grave.  Anyone who wants can just add their cremains here.  All on top of eachother.  I think it is a rather deep hole.

 This is the memorial stone and the names of those who choose the common grave are listed on the back.

John 11:25
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though they die.

Romans 8:38,39
I’m convinced that nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus our Lord: not death or life, not angels or rulers, not present things or future things, not powers or height or depth, or any other thing that is created.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

This week

This week I voted.   The location we go to vote is at our church.  Although personally it didn't turn out the way I wanted, I am glad we live in America where we have that opportunity to do so.  There are too many countries where tyrants rule and there is nothing to be done about it. 

Ultimately God who is the One who has the final say.  He holds the future in His hands so we can trust His care over us.  Times might get tough - we don't know, but we can have peace no matter.  He is the Mighty King, Ruler of Everything.

"He controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings."   Daniel 2:21

Tomorrow is Veteran's Day and I want to thank our guys for fighting for our freedoms!
I saw these planes fly overhead and thought it was just cool!

I went shopping in Wichita with my daughter and 2 of her girls.  What a fun time!!

Claire is just old enough to sit in a seat with lots of padding!

This week we had dinner with our good friends, Dave and Sarah.  The sun was setting as we arrived at their place.

 Their home is so very warm and welcoming!!

Dave says he was serving "Field and Stream" - steak and trout.  Oh Yum!!

Thanks guys!!  They have been friends for many years.  We were neighbors back at Quail Creek.  We have lots of fun memories and now Sarah and I lead one of the young moms' Bible study together.

After church today, we went to Hesston to watch these guys.  Sat with friends from church, Tim and Dorla.

Looking forward to another good week!