Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Our Christmas Day

Christmas Day was a wonderfully, peaceful day for us.  In the morning, I turned on the tv while beginning preparations for our evening dinner and found that 

PBS was having musical specials - some jazz, Appalachian, classical, strings, choral groups, church and college Christmas programs....all day long there was program after program of music proclaiming the birth of our Saviour.  Just beautiful!!  Very relaxing and joyful.

The weathermen kept saying we would have a white Christmas, but it didn't happen.  This photo is from a few days ago and we did have just a little snow left where the sun doesn't reach.  (Before the song "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" was written, it probably never occured to wish for a white Christmas, would it have?")  But it would have been lovely!

For dinner, the family came.  Mom made this fancy Christmas gelatin.  She is so creative!  Also fixed a pot roast and twice baked potatoes (Thank you, Marilyn R. for the recipe from!)

Adam stayed home.  His turn to be sick.  Luckily, he was able to give the Christmas Eve service!  Now he does not have a voice.  We have been fighting bad colds or flus for the past couple of weeks.  I had a fever for 6 days and am so glad that is over!

I got out my china that I registered for when we got married.  I haven't used them in so long.  But thought it would be fun.  The girls said it was fancy!  (don't you think the BBQ bottle adds such flair?)

We weren't exchanging gifts this day since our son's family and youngest daughter could not come - just having a wonderful dinner, celebrating the birth of Christ with Jill's family and my parents.  We sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus when we had our little cake desserts.

It was Claire's first Christmas.  She has not been well either (can you tell with her little red eyes?)  So far Al has been able to keep healthy and we hope he continues!

We will be having Christmas celebrations this coming week when the whole family travels back home!

"Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go!"