Friday, February 1, 2013


This evening we took supper to a young couple who recently had twins -

 Ben and Daisy

I thought Sarah and JR looked pretty good considering being sleep deprived!  This couple has worked with me in the church nursery for 7 years.  I got to watch their romance blossom!  They are such servants and so very good with the children, comforting them and showing Jesus' love to them.

And here is a picture of them back on 2008, holding Ollie, who is now in kindergarten!  Now, they have their own nursery!

 I believe these are the tiniest babies I have ever held!  Daisy is a little over 4 pounds and Ben a little over 5. Our own son was 5 lb. 5 oz.

After dropping off supper for this sweet family, we went to my parents' home to help them out with a few things, then we took them to supper.  Braums is one of their favorite places!  Jill and Claire came too!

  Yummy food!!   And of course we had to finish off with ice-cream!

* * * * * * * * *

It has been freezing here!  On Monday the temperature hovered around 70 and everyone was out in short sleeves.  The next day I took this picture!  It is Kansas, after all!  If you don't like the weather, just wait a day!

A couple more pictures of my sweet Claire.

The little red mark on her face?  Just a grandma peck (from my lipstick).  I love kissing all of my sweet grandbabies!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Art Museum

While I was visiting the kids, we went to Crystal Bridges Museum in Bentonville.  It was free!  Admission is sponsored by Walmart.  Did you know Walmart got its beginnings in Bentonville?  The headquarters are there.

There is an alphabetical "brain" inside the museum, to the entry of the restaurant.

You've heard of the glass slipper?  Here is a glass dress!

The image of the George Washington on our $1 bill is based on this 1797 portrait of him below.

Such a beautiful family.  (ha ha ha!)

Eli was fascinated with this painting called "A Close Call" by Arthur Tait.  Evidently the dogs must keep the bear from killing the hunter, based on the title.  You can see another hunter in the background coming to the rescue.

"Rosie the Riveter" by Norman Rockwell, 1943  (when so many women entered the work force when so many men went to war)

The children were getting pretty restless, and the museum had just the place for little ones to go!

I am not a big fan of modern art.  The title of the painting below is "Breakfast Table", by Stuart Davis, 1917.  Huh????  Can't see it.

Emeri looked at this painting and said "A kid could draw that!"  A few museum guests chuckled at her comment.  I'm sure the artist would have been peeved!

Self "portrait" of Evan Penny, 1953.  Pretty cool.

I really liked this last painting by Tom Uttech  (similar to Utecht!  Wonder if there is some relation - both from Wisconsin!). By the woman's elbow, you can see a lone bear, watching all that is going on.  If you look at all the animals and birds, they are all running and flying in one direction.  It would be fun to count how many critters are on this.  It looks as if they are fleeing a fire.

The artist, Tom Uttech
 And my son-in-law.  A Utecht.  What do you think?

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Down to Arkansas

This past week I drove to Arkansas to spend time with these 2 precious grandchildren!

Because it is Kansas' birthday this week, I gave both the Kansas and Arkansas grandchildren the book, The Wizard of Oz along with Toto (from Kohl's).  I was 20 before I ever heard that story and I thought they should know it.  A long book - it takes an hour to read, but the children were very attentive!

Eli was thrilled that his Kansas cousins had a dinosaur book and a dinosaur for him.  He has decided it goes to bed with him, along with his favorite stuffed lion, Li-li (pronounced lie-lie).

The kids were anxious to start each day - very early!  Their parents purchased this alarm clock for them.  The children are not allowed out of bed until the clock turns green at 7:00 am.  Before that time, it is yellow and that means they are supposed to stay in bed; quietly.

As soon as the light turned color, they were ready to jump out of bed and begin the day!

The first couple of days were very pleasant.  Can hardly believe it is January!
We enjoyed playing outside!

We made lots of crafts....


Eli practiced writing his name.

One morning it was rather chilly so Emeri went outside to give Molly a warm cover.

We played hide 'n' seek all over the house!

Josh got a hammer dulcimer and is learning how to play it.  I enjoyed hearing the sound of Rich Mullins!

Staci sent a video - Josh just got this and he's learned a lot in a weeks' time!

One day we went to Marketplace for lunch (our favorite place to eat in Springdale!) and met their friend, Mr. Jason, who is a missionary pediatrician in Mali, Africa.  My Aunt Treva was a midwife in Mali for over 30 years.  This past week many missionaries in Mali have had to evacuate due to terrorist activity.  Please pray for that nation.

 What a joyous time with my kids!

Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.   Proverbs 17:6