Thursday, February 28, 2013

Between storms

Between our 2 big snow storms, we and Jill and the girls went sledding.

Close to our house on a man made hill - because we don't have too many hills around.  Kansas does have hills, but this was close to our home.

Wipe out!

 Wipe out again!

 The worse part is the climb up

What fun times!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Winter storm, birds (including a bald eagle!)

Yesterday we had a snow storm.  
Some were calling it the Blizzard of Oz.
Not sure how much of a blizzard it was.
Not at all like Amarillo, TX!

Last night as we went to bed, the wind was still howling and it was still snowing.  Our electricity was flickering but luckily never went out.  When we woke up this morning, the snow had stopped.

The feeders needed to be refilled.  I had to shovel to get to them.  I don't own a pair of boots believe it or not!  I looked last week for some but there weren't any I liked or not in my size.

Al left for work - and luckily has 4-wheel drive.

I looked to see if I would be able to fill the feeders in my back yard.  The snow had drifted up against the door.

Without boots, I would not get to the feeders out back!  Unless I shovel later on today.

 Nana and Papa snowmen

 A robin waiting for spring

And then!!!!  - a bald eagle!!  Not a sight we see around here very often!
 It flew down after something

 I zoomed in to see if I could see a rodent in its' claws but it looks like it must have gotten away.
How so cool!!!

Thanking our Creator for the beauty He sends our way.  "The best things in life are free - the air we breathe, the stars at night, the wonder of human love."  Birds that sing, music.  "But the greatest gift of all is our salvation, purchased for us by Jesus Christ.  'Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!' 2 Cor. 9:15"  - from "Hope for Each Day" by Billy Graham

Monday, February 25, 2013

Fish, taxes and slides

On Saturday, the folks invited us out to lunch.  

 Not quite like the fresh-caught fish Mom would pick up at the fish store in our fishing village of Aburatsu in Japan.  But it still was pretty good!

We had lots of snow last week and today a blizzard is to hit us here in Kansas.  They are calling it the Blizzard of Oz.  So far nothing, but by this afternoon it could get nasty.

Mom and Dad had 15 inches.

 When we got back to to their place, Al and Dad worked on taxes.

Mom and I looked at slides.  And Mom told me lots of stories as we looked at them.  They have probably over 1,000 slides.  As missionaries, they had to share their stories with churches when they would come to the States on furlough.  Nowadays, missionaries use Power point, but back in those not so olden days, slides were the thing.  I need to put these on a disc and on  my computer!  I have begun to type out the stories.