Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Kids come - backyard

I've said this before; one of the pluses of waking early in the morning is enjoying the gorgeous Kansas sunrises!

We've been having storms almost nightly.  During the day, it is rather muggy.  

I haven't had to water much at all this summer. 

Last year we had over 50 days of 100+ degrees.  
This year we've only had 1 day topping the century mark.

 While the girls were here, we enjoyed playing in the backyard.

Hannah took some of these photos.  She loves to take pictures!

The baby brown thrasher showed up 

Each day while their daddy was at conference, he sent the girls a video clip.
Claire kissed the screen.  
She loves her daddy!  She said "Daddies" over 20 times the first day he was gone.  
We gave up counting after that, but each day she wanted her daddy!

When Daddy returned, the family went home.

Sunday morning found Claire in ER.  She pulled a chair on top of her and split open the inside of her lip, requiring a couple of stitches.  With her Daddy being the preacher and needing to be at church, I helped Jill with the girls while Claire went to get stitched up.  Papa works at the hospital and he was with Claire during this very traumatic procedure!

Luckily, they were still able to pack and go on vacation for a few days.