Friday, September 20, 2013

Claire busy

Claire can be a busy little girl!

I was quite lucky to see her do this!

Otherwise who knows how many days it would have been before we found her milk!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Celebration of His work

This past weekend, our church had a time of celebration.  Grace Newton, Hillsboro and Moundridge churches all together to celebrate how God has been at work in our communities.
There was a hog roast (someone stayed up all night roasting!)

 Lots of good fellowship!

 After everyone had eaten their fill, we went to the worship center for a time of worship.

Then the pastors from the 3 churches and the church plants that are in the planning, spoke about how God has been working, drawing people to Himself.  What an encouragement!

It was followed by a concert by Andrew Peterson, a singer-songwriter of contemporary Christian music.  He is one of my favorites!  This was his 4th concert at our church.
 Slugs & Bugs & Lullabies, Andrew Peterson
He sang some of his songs from his children's CD, Slugs and Bugs.  The children were so happy to hear those!

And then he sang "Family Man" while my granddaughters snuggled with their daddy!


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Beautiful day

I love the way God displays His glory in the sunrises here in Kansas!  Breathtaking!

The girls and I took a walk around the lake again.  (Hannah was at school)

Claire likes to take along baby dolls with her.  She loves to kiss them!
 Sophie likes to zoom down the bridge.

 Sophia learned how to jump onto the swing by herself and go flying!

This morning in "Our Daily Bread" I read the following:

Wherever we look in the world around us, we see evidence that 'the whole earth is full of His glory!'  (Isa. 6:3)  What is amazing is that the creation that surrounds us is damaged by sin (see Rom. 8:18-22), yet God has seen fit to grace our fallen landscape with these loving brushstrokes of His creative hand.  It serves as a daily reminder that the beauty of His grace covers our sin and that His love for that which is fallen is always available to us.  - Joe Stowell

Monday, September 16, 2013


Almost 20 years ago, several of us began a ministry to young mothers that we called Mom to Mom.  
We loved doing it!!  We based it on Titus 2:4-5

They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. 

This year the leadership has changed although some of us are continuing on helping in various ways.

Janelle shared 3 phrases of motherhood.  She used her children in the example.  Janelle is a great speaker and she used humor and told of some hard times too.  Being a mom is not easy!
On our name tags, we had each put down the number of children we had and during a little break time, we were to find someone else who had the same number of children but in a different stage of life and share the blessings of the phase we are in right now.  Blessings like:  I love cuddling with my little children, or I like going to ballgames with them; or I enjoy being a grandma!

Everyone was supposed to bring a pie.  Because the hope of M2M is to
           P - prepare
            I - inspire
             E - encourage

There was a contest!  Everyone went around and tasted a little piece of the pies (using a new little spoon each bite - quite clear that there was to be NO double-dipping!  But you could take as many bites as you wanted - just get a clean spoon each time!)

Then you would vote for the best pie.  The pies were all numbered so you didn't know who brought which pie.  I voted for this luscious lemon pie!  (Oh, aren't the decorations so cute?!)

 Later, we all could go back for a big piece of pie (or even a couple of pieces!!)

Here is the pie I brought - a Reece's Peanut Butter pie (recipe below)

AND I won the prize!!!  They voted it the best pie!!
My mouth just dropped when they called my name.
I never, ever win 
anything, so what a surprise!!!

The gift was AWESOME!!  A 31 bag filled with goodies - a bracelet from Premier, a Norm's coffee bar gift certificate, the book "You'll Get Through This" by Max Lucado and "The Chance" by Karen Kingsbury. Both are great authors!!

It was a wonderful evening.  M2M is also in the morning for moms who are not able to come in the evening. I help with childcare in the morning session, along with several other women.  The children are dear and what a wonderful opportunity for moms to be with other moms, those who are their peers and also older moms who have been there and can share experiences.

Now, to share my recipe.  It is one I put together, using the peanut butter part from a missionary friend of mine and adding the other layers after seeing something similar in a restaurant.  The best part about this recipe is that it makes 2 pies at the same time.  So you can take one to your social function or to a friend and keep one for yourself!

Reece's Pie

3.9 oz. chocolate pudding
Prepare chocolate pudding with milk, using the pie instructions on the box.
Spread on the bottom of 2 graham cracker pie shells.

Next layer:
8 oz. package cream cheese, softened
1 cup creamy (or crunchy) peanut butter
1 cup sugar
1 T. butter, soft
1 t. vanilla
Mix all together with a mixer.  Fold in a carton of Coolwhip or 1 cup heavy cream, whipped.
Divide between the 2 pie shells and layer on top of chocolate pudding layer.

Top with another carton of Extra Creamy Cool Whip or whipped cream.
Break up Reece's peanut butter cups and scatter on top of whipped cream.
Melt chocolate chips in a microwave.  Drizzle on top of the pie.

Delicious!  It is a confirmed WINNER!