Thursday, October 10, 2013


Almost a year ago, my dear Aunt Millie passed away.  I am reading a devotional book of hers, "Hope for Each Day" by Billy Graham.  Words of wisdom and faith.  Today's devotion:

The Clouds of Life

 Clouds will come.  They are part of life.

But by God's grace we need not be depressed by them.  Just as clouds can protect us from the brightness of the sun, life's clouds can reveal the glory of God, and from their lofty height God speaks to us.

Like the children of Israel, we are travelers to the Promised Land.  As they traveled through the wilderness, the Bible says, "The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way."

 Perhaps like them, you are passing through a wilderness right now.    

 It may be the wilderness of a broken marriage, or a financial reversal, or a major disappointment, or a threatening illness.

 It may even be a wilderness of doubt or sin.

 But God is with you in the wilderness, and He goes before you to encourage and guide you.

 He brought the children of Israel through the wilderness - and He will bring you through it as well, as you look in faith to Him.

 Never forget:  "He is the living God, and steadfast forever" (Daniel 6:26)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

On Friday, the temps hovered close to 90 degrees.  Definitely short sleeves weather.  And air-conditioning.

A front moved through during the night.  It rained and temperatures dropped.  We woke up to a chilly 40 degrees!  And it was not to get above 60's that day.

That is Kansas, folks!  You will hear it said "If you don't like the weather, wait a day!"

 Allen had to work at the hospital on Saturday, but Jill called and asked if I'd like to meet them at Papa's Pumpkin Patch.   I put on 4 layers of clothes and went to enjoy the morning with the grandchildren in the brisk air.

There is a cool slide that the children (and grownups) love going down!  There were not many people at all; the Braun's and Claassen's, also spending a cold morning with grandchildren.

Claire is so dead-pan.  Cracks me up, since the other 2 girls are so expressive as they go down the slide! 


Money and candy scramble

 We walked over to the pumpkin patch to pick our pumpkins.


Notice that Claire is wearing a shirt that says "Pumpkin Patch"!

Claire LOVES her pumpkin!

This is the face Claire makes when you say "Smile, Claire!"

They have a really fun playground there!  Tunnels, tires, barrel swings, etc.

I overheard Sophia say something like "wouldn't it be great if Nana had a playground like this in her back yard?!"

Any good farm needs pigs; pumpkin eating pigs, especially for a pumpkin farm!

 The train ride was just a little cold!  Brrrrrr!!

Luckily, there was a fire pit to warm up at.

And HOT cocoa and pumpkin bars!

We went to weigh the pumpkins and pay.

Such a fun place to come to every year!