Friday, November 1, 2013

Fun family

This past week my uncles from Ohio came to visit.

Mom and her 2 brothers, Wally and Mahlon
Uncle Wally is a retired missionary to Paris and Uncle Mahlon has lived on the family farm property outside of Pandora for all these years.  

 My brother and wife from KC came along with their dog, Gracie.  Mindy and also Jill and the girls.
Claire loved the doggy and chased her and wanted to give her kisses!

Jill got Claire ready for bed.  Here she is saying goodbye to her great-grandpa Pete.

 The uncles wanted our family picture.

Mahlon and Anne stayed with us while Uncle Wally's went to Mom's place.

After most everyone left, Mahlon and Anne showed us a new game.
Mahlon learned this game in Africa on a missions trip.  He calls it Frizbo and you use Skipbo cards.

On Tuesday, we took a trip to Hutch.

 All aboard!


We ate at Anchor Inn, downtown Hutch.
 Authentic Mexican - mmmm!

We stopped at the Cosmosphere - here we are at the planetarium.  I think some of us might have taken a little nap in the dark!!
Of course, all this is from a world view, but how can one not see God in this??

"Lift your eyes and look to the heaven:  Who created all these?  He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls them each by name."  Isaiah 40:26

We saw the special on Jerusalem.  What fun to see such great filming of the city we visited last March!

When we got home, we took them to Braum's.  They don't have Braum's in Ohio.  We picked Dad up from the home and took him too.  He LOVES ice-cream!

On Wednesday we ate at the college.
 Jim and Shirley joined us.  They left for China on tour the following day.

Mahlon, Dad's cousin, Myron Voran, and Wally were in the folk's wedding.  Myron was the best man and my uncles were groomsmen.

On Thursday, Uncle Wally and Aunt Wanda and Mom met with college friends and had such a wonderful time.  In the evening, we had supper together.  A couple trick-or-treaters joined in!!
a kitty
a gymnast
and a pastor! 

Jill stayed home with a sick little baby.  We missed them! 

We sat around until 11:00 and listened to stories of their days growing up.  
  How we laughed and laughed. 

They have gone home now and hopefully we will be able to make a trip out to Ohio in the near future! 

Monday, October 28, 2013

October cemetery post, Kansas Day trip

It is no secret that Al and I like to on the spur of the moment pick up and go for a Kansas day trip.  Kansas adventures.

One day as we were driving along, we passed a sign for :

Al was going too fast to stop in time to make the turn (we weren't anticipating this stop...but couldn't resist!), so we turned around and then went on this dirt road until we came to the cemetery.

 Bohemian Americans are citizens of the United States who are of Czech descent. 

The names are are quite unusual.

No vowels!

Do not understand this language for sure!

I love these old photos embedded in the gravestones.

So pretty!

This one seems to be in German.

Parents do need His grace when they suffer the loss of a child.

So glad we happened upon this cemetery out on the Kansas prairie!