Saturday, March 29, 2014



What is that?!

Well, let me tell you.  You take a few donkeys....

* * * * * *

We went to Little River, where Al's sister and family live, to go to a very unusual fundraiser.
 Any good fundraiser has delicious food of course.

And raffles.   They were raising money for the Little River child center.

There were a few cute kids there!! 

Al and his sister, Julie

Of course you have to start with the national anthem!

The grade school came out on the court to sing.  I don't think I've ever seen that done before.  Sweet!

So, to tell you about donkeyball - you take a basket ball court
 and a few players willing to play basketball on the backs of donkeys!
My niece, Susie and her team - The Seniors

Then there were also teams made up of 
the teachers of the grade school,
the teachers of the high school,
and the city chamber.

These donkeys came from Wisconsin with a company that trains them to play for fundraisers.

Of course there are always a few bucked off!

Especially when they rode ones called Widow Maker.
 He was trained to buck.

Here he was bucked over the top of the donkey's head!

 It would have been fun to video tape, but it was not allowed.

 Sometimes the donkeys were pretty stubborn.

Get the ball Susie! 
You could get off the donkey to get the ball, 
but in order to pass the ball, you had to be riding on his back.

Some of the players had a hard time riding.

The seniors won their game. 

This photo turned out blurry, but this lady backhanded the ball and it went in!!  The play of the night!

 My brother-in-law, Russell.
His team also won, which meant he would be playing Susie for the final game.

This guy's grass skirt fell off revealing...

 Before the final game between the Seniors and the Chamber, there were kiddie rides.

This man was challenged to ride Hemorrhoid.


The Seniors won the final game.  

What a fun time we had!!
Thanks for all the laughs, Russell and Susie!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Small town

Lately I've made several trips to the small town where the kids live.

The drive over is pleasant.  I take different routes.
On one route I usually see wild turkeys.  Yesterday I saw several strutting close to the highway, just like the picture above (which I did not take).

On another route, I love the rolling hills.  The road is actually called Happy Hills Road.  Looks like this road!
I know some people would get nauseous on that road, but I really enjoy it and there is a farm on that road that I salivate over each time!

Hannah had a friend's party at the ministry center and I went to help out.  Actually, I didn't help with the party - I took Claire home for her nap so they could have the party during nap time.

Claire and I did get to have lunch and eat cake before nap time though.

Didn't Jill do a great job on this cake??!

I have also been helping out this week some  Today Sophia had library hour in the morning and while she was doing that, Claire and I went to the post office to mail a couple of packages.  Claire was so excited because they had a tub of dum-dums!

I made a stop at the..
for some good Mennonite-made bierrocks to take home.  

Then we made a stop at the small town grocery store.

Of course I had to buy their famous sausage too!