Saturday, May 24, 2014

A rainy day

I have a robin's nest right outside my kitchen window in the birch tree.
They can be just a little ugly until they get their feathers, I think.

* * * * *

Adam came with the girls to spend the day. 

It was his mother's day gift to Jill to have the day to herself; just to be able to organize the house without little children around.  She was thrilled!  They moved a year ago and she has just wanted to have such a day!

Adam took the girls to Druber's, our local donut shop.  Then they headed for the park but it began to rain so they came over to the house sooner than they had thought.

When the rain let up, we went for a walk to our "woods".

The "stone table", as our kids call it (from Narnia)

It began to rain again!  And thunder.
It isn't good to be under trees when it is doing that.

Since we have been in a drought situation in Kansas for 3 years, we don't mind this rain!

It is fun to sit on the deck and watch the rain.

 It came down hard!

Mama birdie made sure to keep her babies dry.

Job 5:10
"He gives rain on the earth  and sends water on the fields..."

Monday, May 19, 2014

Enjoying the birds

I enjoy Kansas sunrises! 
This morning when I woke up, there had been a light shower and as I gazed out the window, I saw this rainbow.  It is probably too faint for you to notice, but there is a 2nd rainbow too!  Appropriately, our pastor's sermon today was the last in his series on Noah.
I've enjoyed the hummingbirds coming around lately. 

One morning as I looked up from my Bible reading, I noticed this little woodpecker!  I grabbed the camera but before I could really focus it took off.  But I did get this picture, even if it was fuzzy.  I was so excited to see this one!  I see the parent each day, but not a little one.

And look at this little brown thrasher!

I always look forward to the orioles that come this time of year.  I follow the migration on-line and when they arrive in Kansas, I get out the feeder to attract them to my yard!  I give them sugar water, grape jelly and orange slices.

 In the picture below, you can see both the male and female oriole.

I was a little surprised one day to see this oriole fly up to the hummingbird feeder!

Yellow finch

A little song I sing with the grandkids is this:

The birdies in the treetops sing their song
The angels chant their chorus all day long
The flowers in the garden blend their hue
So why don't you, why don't I praise Him too!
(see video below for tune)