Thursday, August 28, 2014

Outside beauty

I love the beauty I see outside!  In particular, the breathtaking sunsets!

 Driving home one evening, my husband pointed out the birds coming in to roost.  The neighborhood north of us is FILLED with starlings!!

I always love to take a walk with the kids too and enjoy what God has made!


 Sophia purchased these glasses for fun. 
 She doesn't really need glasses, they are just for looks.  
And of course, she now has glasses just like Nana!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I grew up with school beginning AFTER Labor Day weekend, but that isn't the way it is done in this state. Schools let out in early May before it is warm enough to swim and begin when it is still swimming weather  (it is around the 100 degrees now!) 

With back to school, we headed out to Wichita to do some school shopping!

 Anyone else have kids who like to stand on those red balls outside Target?

Jill fixed a back-to-school cake for the girls to enjoy the night before school began.  The girls were challenged to eat them with pencil chopsticks!

And in Arkansas, Josh and Eli got the car decorated for the first day of school.

Have a great year kids!!
Praying you grow not only in knowledge, but that you learn Godly wisdom.  Make good friends and know that God walks with you each day, moment by moment!

Monday, August 25, 2014


Last Sunday evening my 2 granddaughters, Hannah and Sophia, were baptised...showing others that they love Jesus and choose to be His followers.

The baptism was held at the local pool.
Baptism is a symbol - a picture of dying to self, and being raised to a new life in Christ.

Hannah shared her story of why she was choosing to be baptised.

Sophia shared her testimony too.

16 baptisms.  16 lives choosing to follow our Saviour, Jesus.  Jesus radically and dramatically changes lives. Maybe some did not have drastic testimonies of how Christ rescued them from drugs, homelessness or other things.  That really is a blessing.  Others did.  But Christ wants to rescue each of us because we all need rescuing.  We all sin.  Whether it is a raunchy lifestyle or a raunchy attitude, extreme selfishishness, meanness or rudeness.  Wherever we are, He is the One Who will give us a new life and hope for what lies ahead.  It isn't about our goodness.  One lady shared how she had never been baptised because she just didn't think she was good enough.  None of us are good enough.  Our works won't get us into heaven.
Only Jesus.

After the baptisms, the celebration continued with swimming

and rootbeer floats!

For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you were raised to a new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead.” Colossians 2:11-12 (NLT)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Dinner, Israel and wolves!

Last evening we were invited to the Friesen's for dinner.  We first met Marc and Sarah when they joined our young married's small group.  That was BC  -  before children.  A few years ago.

Luke wanted to invite us over because he wanted to talk to Allen about Israel.
 And Colorado.  And the world.  And wolves, bears, hippos and lions.  And Saul, who was not a good guy until he became Paul and loved to tell people about Jesus!
Luke is pointing out Leadville, Colorado where they vacationed this past summer.

Sarah fixed fajitas for dinner.

So very delicious!
 Peek-a-boo!  She loved doing this over and over.  At first she didn't want me to snap her photo.  Then she changed her mind and let me.

 Luke's world map in his bedroom.
He knows continents, many countries and where they are located.  He knows all the states in America.  And this boy is in kindergarten!

Thanks for the very good time, Friesens!!