Friday, November 21, 2014

Proverbs 31 conference

Last weekend our Women's Ministry at church offered a Proverbs 31 women's conference.  A day for refreshment and renewal in fellowship with other women, getting away from everyday stress and responsibilities.

I debated whether to go or not.  I was having company for dinner that evening, plus hosting overnight guests from Zambia the following night.  It would probably be adding stress to go!!  But it sounded like such a fun get-away day so I just made it a priority to go and was so glad I did!

We began with singing several worship songs.  
(I didn't get a picture so borrowed Kerry's.  Thanks, Kerry!)

There were 6 workshops offered, ways to help us become more like the excellent Proverbs 31 wife.  That lady was over-the-top, wasn't she?  I once heard that this description of her life, not her daily agenda.  

Leaving a Legacy
This session will offer tips on intentionally passing on to your children or grandchildren what God has taught you about life, family traditions, and history.

Stretching Your Dollar
Never have enough paycheck at the end of the month for retail therapy? Suggestions on how to wisely budget your money and get the most bang for your buck with bargain shopping and negotiation for things you want or need will be included in this session.

A Way to Pray
Because of our God given unique design, prayer looks different for each one of us. This session can help you learn a variety of ways and methods for an effective and personal prayer life.

The Circle of Friendship
Friendships can be like the circle of life. They come and go, and change with the seasons of life. This session offers how to deal with seasonal effects and develop the qualities that make up a good friendship.

Color in Your Life - THIS CLASS IS FULL!!
Even if you have never picked up a paintbrush in your life, you can walk away with your very own masterpiece and have a great time! Supplies included.

We could only choose 3 of the workshops.  The first one I did was on leaving a legacy.  Marilyn spoke about writing down stories.  She suggested that when we think of a story of when we were growing up, or a story told us by our parents, to take time to jot it down.  Marilyn's ancestors wrote down many stories, including their journey to America.  

In particular, it is important to write down your spiritual journey for your children and grandchildren to hear.

"...what we have heard and known,
what our fathers have told us.
We will not hide them from their children;
we will tell the next generation the praisworthy deeds of the Lord,
His power, and the wonders He has done."
Psalm 78 - our mandate!

Gail shared about having a Grand Camp with your grandchildren and making memories with your grandchildren.  Great ideas!!
And Lynda shared her story and breaking the cycle of the less-than-ideal home.

Recommended resources were:
Creating a Spiritual Legacy:  How to Share Your Stories, Values, and Wisdom by Daniel Taylor
Your Heritage:  How to Be Intentional About the Legacy You Leave by J. Otis Ledbetter & Kurt Bruner

The next workshop I took was about friendships.
There are various kinds of friends - some are acquaintances, then there are our casual friends, then our close friends and then intimate friends.

We were challenged to build close and intimate friends.
1.  Pray and be content with Whom He has brought to you.
2.  Be faithful and trustworthy in the friendships He has given you.
3.  Show grace and acceptance.
4.  dream dreams for your friends. desire her well-being.
5.  have fun and laughter
6.  love them and be loved
7.  take risks and sacrifices
8.  drive her to God, just as Jonathan helped David find strength in the Lord.

Della also gave steps to the healing and restoration of broken friendships.

And of course, we were reminded that often friends will let us down....because we are all human and we all mess up.  But Jesus is a friend who is always faithful.  He is the friend of sinners.  He is the perfect friend!

Lunch time!

Candy had never met Jan (the 2 girls at our table) but as they were talking, 
Candy found out that Jan is the mother of a good friend of hers!  Small world!

The last workshop I took was a painting class!  
Helen got paint on her hands? 

We followed this instructor step by step.

 It was called one stroke painting, a technique of artist Donna Dewberry.

I only got 2 pumpkins finished and one flower.  
Guess I will need to finish my art work at home.
It was kind of fun!

Such a sweet time with my friends and "sisters" in the Lord!
And not at all stressful to add these few hours away - 
                                                             infact, it was just the boost I needed!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Adam's birthday

Adam had a birthday so we had a party!
Not that we need an excuse to party, mind you!


Last year for Adam's party, after dinner we went downstairs to watch the Packer ball game, just like this year.  But last year, my mother took a tumble all the way down the stairs!
Needless to say, the party ended early for Mom and for Al and me.
We are so grateful that Mom is doing ok.  She did have to have brain surgery for a brain bleed, but amazingly no broken bones and she is here again this year to celebrate Adam's birthday once more!

We had chili for supper.

 This picture cracks me up.  Some of us were attentive and singing "happy birthday" to Adam.  Look at his dad though.  So funny!  And all Claire is thinking about is ice-cream!  Her favorite!

 He's thanking me for my home-made card.  He told me years ago not to bother to spend money on a card.  Cards aren't his love-language.  They ARE mine!  I keep almost all cards sent to me in a special box.

 We all went together for a gift for him.
 Then we went downstairs for the Packer game.  We helped mom down so she wouldn't tumble.

 "I pledge allegience...."
 Mindy and Bryan
who unfortunately left early - Bryan got sick.
Sorry, bud.
You missed a very exciting game!  Not.  
The Packers pretty much trounced the other team.

We were all into the game ---- except Claire.
We heard her singing "toys away, toys away" as she was throwing toys all around the toy room!

Silly girl.

And, HAPPY BIRTHDAY son-in-law!!