Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring break

Today is a little chilly at 50 degrees and rainy.

We had snow a couple of weeks ago.  Look at the various critter prints.  Bunny, kitty, birds, mouse?

 Claire enjoys bird watching.

Spring is coming!

 Last week was Spring break for Hesston College.  We had a Japanese college student stay with us.

We enjoyed a trip to a Japanese restaurant!  LOVE it!!

And a trip to the cosmosphere.
It really is incredible how many space things we have here in the middle of the US!

We enjoyed a visit from Al's brother and wife.

One day we went to the kids'.  It happened to be Hannah's 10th birthday.
(We will have a party later when the Arkansas cousins come.)

 Cooking s'mores
An American experience for Toshiki

Claire was showing her neighbor the new yellow flowers.

I know Toshiki was a little out of his element.  We had him try American food and of course he had to speak English with my husband and with others.  As Christians, our lives here on earth can be somewhat uncomfortable too.  We don't always fit in.  In fact, we shouldn't feel too much at home here.

Psalm 119:19 says "I am but a foreigner here on earth."
"If you call God your Father, live your time as temporary residents on earth."  1 Peter 1:17

Our life here is a temporary assignment.  As Christians, our identity is in eternity, and our homeland is in heaven.