Saturday, April 11, 2015

A move

Mindy has always wanted to live in Colorado.

Why would anyone want to live there?  (being facetious)

Well, the opportunity presented itself, so last week we loaded up her things.
Not easy as she lived on a 2nd floor.  
But there were some strong fellas who did the majority of the lifting.

 We wondered if it would all fit in - but it did!!  (do you see Al scratching his head?!)

"Moving again?" Xander wonders, as he roams the empty apartment.  
Actually, he does a great job with traveling and goes with the flow.
I bet he is a cat that has moved more times than almost any cat around!

Good-bye my sweet daughter!!  Denver seems so far away (Google map says 6 hours and 56 minutes).   I am sure we will make this trip many times over the next years!

Mindy sent this picture of the view from her new place!   Pretty awesome!!  See those mountains in the distance?

Kansas has been having storms lately - although not as bad as the ones that hit Illinois this week. 

After the storm that hit us last week, Jay Prater, the weather guy on the tv, came to town to help people set up their weather alert radios.  I had one of those radios that I got from Mom, but I didn't know how to set it up since it didn't come with directions.  So I joined the crowds at Orscheln's.


A friend told me I could have just put the app on my phone.  So I did that too.  This past Wednesday evening, both the radio and my phone went off!!   We hunkered down in the basement, but the storm petered out before it came to town.  So grateful!

When Mindy called us last evening, she told us that her land lord in Wichita told her that the storm damaged the roof of her apartment!  So I guess I'm grateful that she is in Colorado!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


This past weekend, there was a surprise birthday party for Dave, who is our pastor.

Look at Dave's curly hair!!

I have been in Bible study with Marilyn (Dave's wife) for about 20 years and she asked those of us in the group if we would help her out and bake some cakes.  We were delighted to do that! 

What a variety too - coconut, German chocolate, coffee, brownie....
Some of us decided to have a sample of several varieties so we cut ourselves some small pieces from different ones!!  After every one else was served first, right??

We served up the cakes to put out on the table.

Janelle made the punch.

Then she texted Dave at 3:04.
She said:

"I'm so sorry to bother you but Doug & I were helping Juli unload after the carnival & I think the stewardship guys hit something this morning. Can you come look at it and help me decide what to do?"
He relied: "Sure"
And I responded: "Near Fireside. Thx."

Everybody was waiting in anticipation!
(it was a come and go but everyone who came early was instructed to park in the back so he wouldn't be suspicious when he arrived)
"He's here!  He's here!"  By then, we had turned off the lights.  I took the picture below from in between the slats of the blinds.  Janelle and Doug were outside to show Dave the "damage" and told him to come inside the Fireside to see the leak.

 Realization that he'd been pranked! 

Which piece do you want?

They all look so good.
I can't decide which piece I want! 

 The Paden's had their hair colored at our church's Easter carnival that was held earlier that morning.
 Lots of good food and GREAT fellowship!!

Dave, you mean so much to us!!  Happy Birthday!  It was sweet to surprise you!