Friday, May 8, 2015

Playgrounds and tornados

The Schott family is adopting from China once more; their third child from there.  Adoptions are very costly, if you don't know!  Kari posted that they were selling some things to raise funds.  Their family had outgrown their playground set and it was for sale.

Our kids were wanting a playground so it was a win-win situation!  Adam arranged for help and the day was picked.  It happened to be a rather soggy, off and on rainy day.  But no matter, it would go on as planned.

They walked around the playground set, trying to figure out the best way to take it apart.

 Yikes!  Kari went to find wasp spray, but before she could, Dennis just kicked it away!

When we arrived back at the house, we saw Claire watching from the back sliding doors.  
 Deciding where to put it.

Someone driving by saw the need for help and jumped out of his car to assist.  Small towns are just that way!  Friendly people!

 Adam drilling the playhouse reminded me of another drilling bonding session the boys had!

 Claire woke up from her nap and immediately ran to see if the playground was done!  Yay!!

The girls got home from school and went to play before they went in the house for their afternoon snack.

Many happy hours will be spent here!
Thank you, Schott family!

 Al and I began our drive home.  There were storms in the area.  We had been on tornado alert much of the day.  As we got back to town, we could see the dark clouds.  You can just "feel" tornadic weather.
 I went in the house to check the news and they said a spotter at the outlet mall had seen a tornado.  It was several miles west of town.  Al and I decided to do a little storm chasing.  Safely, of course.

See the stove pipe tornado?
 After awhile,  it turned into a rope tornado
                          then disappeared in a whisp.  You can barely see it in the center.

We heard that a house was destroyed but no lives lost, thank goodness!  More storms predicted on Saturday.