Thursday, October 1, 2015

Going up Mount Evans

On Saturday, we met up with Mindy and Bryan.  On the agenda for the day - to go up Mt. Evans!  14,240 feet at the summit, it is one of the 14ers in Colorado.
 It took us awhile to get out of Denver due to traffic jams (there were several accidents.  Go figure.  Traffic in Denver is crazy!)  It was a good time for Claire to take her nap though.

What a view as we climbed higher and higher!
 He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth-- the LORD God Almighty is his name.
Amos 4:13

Lots of hairpin turns

Leaving the timberline behind.

We had to stop to see these mountain goats

 We continued climbing higher.  Jill and I were pretty much freaking out thinking about the drive down and being so close to the cliff edge!

 We made it!

We all had to have our picture taken at the top to prove we made the drive!

Bryan offered a dollar to the first person to see a marmot.

I didn't take this picture since no one else saw this critter but this is what it looks like.  Kind of like a beaver without the paddle tail.

 Unfortunately, Jill, myself and the girls all had some mild altitude sickness.  Lightheadedness, fatigue and stomach aches.  We were ready to get off this mountain!

 Adam tried to take the center lane as much as possible for Jill's sake.

But not always.  If another car was coming...

Bighorn sheep


We listened to lots of Veggie Tale music.
"Anybody, dance now!"
And she would "dance" in her seat. 

The aspens were just beautiful!!

 We felt much safer closer to the bottom of that mountain!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Off to "Colorink"

Last Friday, our family took off for Colorado, or as Claire called it - "Colorink".

We began the trip with prayer for His hand over us on this trip.  God promises never to leave us nor forsake us, no matter where we go!  I love that!  My parents always prayed in the car when we began a journey and we've continued that tradition.

Claire wanted to sit in the back so we began the trip like that.  There was much silliness.
Claire loves to sing and she made up a song
 "Everything is fine, everything is fine!" 


After a while, we needed to put Claire beside her mommy.  
Claire had a tummy ache and we thought
 maybe she was getting car sick being in the backseat. 
Everything was clearly not fine any longer.  Boo.

Apparently, she just needed to go to the bathroom, which she did when we made a stop at Hays, and then she was fine.  "Everything IS fine!"

Jill fed her girls some lunch.  I think using the plastic bins 
is such a smart idea to keep crums from getting all over the vehicle.

The girls kept busy doing homework (since they were missing school).  On this trip they also sang campsongs (very loudly!), listened to Veggie Tales and  Adventures in Odyssey, played "hangman", did sticker books, colored and read books.  "Colorink" is a long distance away!

I had purchased a license plate game so we looked for license plates from all the different states.

We stopped at Colby for another break
See the Starbucks sign??!

(I didn't realize I was capturing an intimate moment)
A stop like this is a great place to find more license plates from various states. 
We couldn't read the license plate from this one particular vehicle though.

 While the children played and ran off some energy, we grownups made our sandwiches.
 And the kids ate some more.  They are never full enough!

I found Al talking with this guy who was returning to Denver after being on the road through several states.  That has been a dream of Al's for many years.  

Claire is fascinated with motorcycles.   Orange ones are pretty cool!
"What color would your motorcycle be if you had one?"

Getting drinks before we head out.

The motorcycle man passing us.

 As we were driving on Highway 70, I thought about our friends, Mike and Debbie, taking a route south of us that same day on their move to Durango, Colorado.  I am so sad they are moving.  Happy for them though.

The trip was getting L O N G and mommies will do anything to keep children happy!

We finally arrived at our hotel!
We like to stay in 2 bedroom suites and this hotel has them.

Loving the mountain view!

Claire was loving the freedom of being out of a car seat.
She ran back and forth from one room to the other.
"I'm in THIS room.......(run run)  Now, I'm in THIS room!
I wish I had this hotel for my house!"
We had supper in the kitchenette.

The guys took the girls swimming 

And Jill and I went shopping!!

 Tomorrow we would go to see Mindy!