Friday, March 4, 2016

One week

A week ago, we took a trip to Kansas City with the kids.
(The Arkansas and Colorado kids couldn't come this time)

When we got to their house, I climbed in the van with Jill so I could be a car buddy with these precious girls.

Jill had to concentrate on driving.

It was super WINDY!
Jill's knuckles were white from trying to keep the van on the road!

We followed the guys.
Adam practiced his sermon on Al.
He is really a wonderful son-in-law and Al really enjoys him.
 We took 2 vehicles because we needed to come back early the next day.

When we got to KC, Sophia was exhilarated by the overpasses!
Small town girl with a big city heart!

We stopped here for lunch.

Engineer Al

 The train delivers your food and drops it on a tray that lowers to you.

After lunch, we headed for Great Wolf Lodge

We got a room with a little log cabin just for the girls!

As soon as we could, we changed into our swimsuits and went to the waterpark.
We had to wear wristbands.

I think the water bucket is my favorite part of the waterpark!


Papa got in a little nap!

After a few hours playing, we went to our room for supper (we brought our own food).
After supper, we explored around.
Claire refused to take a picture with this guy.  She was just a little afraid of him.

We found out about an incident happening back home in Newton and Hesston.  It grieved our hearts!!  We know several of the people involved in the shootings and while the little ones fell asleep in their cabins, we stayed glued to our devices to see what all was transpiring.

* * * *

We did more swimming in the morning.

 At first, Claire was just a little hesitant about sliding down the slides.  But once she did this one, she was all for it!

After checking out, we went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch!

Look who we ran in to!  What a surprise!
Sullivans used to be part of our church family, but now live in Topeka.

What a fun time we had getting away!

On the way home, Claire told her parents that she needed to poop.  No restroom around so I texted that they should pull off on a dirt road.  Claire said "No!  Cows do that!"  

* * * * *

Back at home, we were back with the reality that tragedy can hit small towns.  Adam changed his sermon for Sunday.  On Sunday morning, at our church, our pastor also spent some of the morning talking about it as the events impacted several in our congregation.   As long as we live in a fallen world, these things happen.  We live in a Genesis 3 world.  Satan tries to steal, kill and destroy our lives (John 10:10).  But Christ has the victory!  He works to turn all the evil into good for us (Romans 8:28-29) and in the end, He will have a new home for us.  
One without hate.  Without evil.  Without tears. 
Joy unimaginable!