Saturday, March 19, 2016

Jazz, birthdays and pigs

Last week Thursday, we went to Hutchinson to listen to our nephew, Jared, sing in a jazz group called Badinage.


We met Jared's fiance, Hannah.  Don't they seem too young to be getting married??  But they are older than Al and I were when we got married.  (20)

The theme of the evening was 
A Journey Through Time

Speaking of journeying through time, Hannah turned 11 years old this week!

There was no school since it was spring break and Jill was sick, so Adam brought the girls to town to spend the day with me!  He went to the office (Starbucks) to work on his sermon for the next week.

 We met up at Druber's for birthday donuts!

And then we went to Walmart for a few things.
The girls wanted to do some painting when we got home.

We were planning on celebrating Hannah's birthday later in the week when the cousins would be coming from Arkansas but we HAD to have a little celebration that day too!  

It WAS her special day, afterall!

Hannah chose these little cakes at the store.

After lunch, we went to the park. 

These trees are in full bloom!
But as Hannah pointed out, they are rather "stinky" in odor!
Not a pretty smell at all.
Back at the house, we got out the record player and we listened to:

 The scratchy noises from an old record sort of confuse these modern day girls with the latest in tech.

 We read the story of the Three Little Pigs and then for dinner we decided to eat pigs n blankets too!

Then Daddy came for them and they went home.

More birthday celebrations to come!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Loving the zoo, part 2

It is always fun to feed the fish.  A wise young mom who visits the zoo alot mentioned that having a small baggie to put the food into is helpful.  And it is!
 Claire did NOT want to feed the fish.

 Another selfie!

 We were ready for a break - to play and eat lunch.

Animal crackers are appropriate!

This squirrel was interesting -
he slipped INTO the trash box for more food.

 Isn't that just a look of disgust?
"Who you takin a picture of, lady?" 

Out of the water today.
I don't know as if I've ever seen them out together like that. 

I really love having my grandparent discount at the zoo!  Now these 2 kids need to come to Kansas sometime when the weather is good so we can take them with us!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

We love the zoo!

The girls had a day off of school last week so we all went off to the zoo
 while their mommy shopped in the big city!

Entrance to the zoo

We like to bring the wagon along just in case one gets tuckered out.

Plus we bring our lunch along and that would be too heavy to carry.

The day we went was a little bit chilly so we wore our jackets most of the time.
 At our zoo, the first thing you come to are the flamingos.

The girls were all into actions that day.

We generally get maps to carry along.
We know the zoo lay out, but we like maps!
There are maps along the route and the girls enjoy seeing where we are.

This day we went to see the chimps first.  
They happen to be one of my favorite

Next, we decided to go to the rain forest.
We were rather chilly and that is indoors.  

Hannah enjoys taking pictures and took a lot of these!

These bats just fly and crawl around over us!  Yeek!!

Under water tunnel

This flower almost looks like some creature with an open mouth!
The zoo is close to the Wichita airport so one sees many planes
 Hannah began taking several selfies.  I've never tried that with my Nikon.  Just with my smart phone.  Actually, I can't take a good selfie for anything.  They are just laughable pictures and my daughter says I should do a post with all my crazy selfies.  Nope.
My granddaughter had to point out that this was actually 2 snakes wrapped around eachother.
See the 2 heads?

 I do NOT like wolves.  Too many horror stories from our ancestors.  These guys frighten me!

Know the difference between a bison and a buffalo?
Is there a difference?
According to, "Early American settlers called bison "bufello" due to the similar appearance between the two animals, and the name "buffalo" stuck for the American variety.  But it's wrong.  The American bison lives only in North America, while the two main buffalo species reside in Africa and Asia."

Tigers coming next.
In another post.