Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Looking back

I've kept a journal since the 4th grade when I received one as a Christmas present at my dormitory.  (We used to call them diaries.  Wonder why we've changed that term?)   I can still remember opening the gift!  

Recently, I've been reading some of my old diaries.  What memories it has conjured up!  This morning I was reading about my grandparents; Grandma and Grandpa Voran.

My Dad and his sisters and cousins.

 This is how I remember them.
 This was my entry from November 1976:

Dad called Sunday morning - Grandma Voran had passed away.  He said she'd eaten a good breakfast and the nurse stepped out for a few minutes to get her medication and she died.  (She was in the hospital due to a heart attack I think).  No pain.  (The family had been told she should be home for Thanksgiving.  And she did go Home!)

(Allen and I went home for the funeral after Grandma passed away.  We lived in Lawrence where Al was going to pharmacy school at KU) 

No one was at the house.  Dad came over and said everyone was at Grandpa's so we went over after unpacking.  (My grandparents lived cattywampus from our house)  Danny there!  He has a round bearded face and speaks with an accent. (my brother had been overseas)

Kathy (my cousin) said Grandpa, on Sunday night,  read everyone the Scriptures and some of Grandma's favorite poetry.  That evening Aunt Milly and Uncle John heard him praying, quoting Scriptures and reading the Word until 1:30!  On Monday he took a walk and when Aunt Milly asked him where he'd gone, he said "I just had to tell the Lord some things."  He's really composed.  He and Grandma really grew close to each other and to the Lord.  They would study Scripture together.  When Grandpa saw Grandma in her casket, he thought she was beautiful.  He's been telling everyone that and also telling stories about him and Grandma....He just wanted to watch and watch.  She had on the pink long dress she made for our wedding.

They had the reading of the flowers and then we went to a Sunday School room.  Kathy and I sat by Grandpa and he told us stories of him and Grandma.  When all the family came, we all shared things about Grandma - her loving kindness, her gentle ways, her cinnamon rolls and her borscht.  (Here is Grandma's recipe that my mom gave me.  This soup is pink!  I think it is delicious!)

Grandma's Borscht

1 can beets (either diced or shoe string variety)
1 cup raw diced potatoes
1 small onion, diced
ham pieces
small quantity string beans or navy beans - grandma says she doesn't include if not on hand
1/2 tsp salt and pinch of pepper

Cook ingredients until potatoes are soft.  Remove from heat and add:
1 tsp vinegar
1/4 c - 1/3 c cream.  You can use half and half or condensed milk (small can)

Then we all went in church at 10:00.  The whole theme was a praise theme.  The Quiet Place Singers sang.  Their peach dresses matched the roses on the casket.
(Allen's mother was a pianist for this group)

Everyone was so touched by the service.  Grandma's cousin's son gave the sermon - centering on Psalm 100.  Dad gave the obituary and only cried 3 or 4 times.  We all walked to the graveside.  It was such a beautiful day!

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
     Worship the Lord with gladness;
    come before Him with joyful songs.
 Know that the Lord is God.
    It is He who made us, and we are His;
    we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.
 Enter His gates with thanksgiving
    and His courts with praise;
    give thanks to Him and praise His name.
 For the Lord is good and His love endures forever;
      His faithfulness continues through all generations.
                                                   Psalm 100

Thought my cousins and my children would enjoy seeing this post too.