Friday, July 13, 2018

Reading on the beach

We enjoyed lot of reading at the beach!

Papa read "Swiss Family Robinson" to the kids daily.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Games on Dauphin Island

We played lots of games at the beach.  Since Eli burst his ear drum and couldn't go into the water, we found other things to keep his interest.

I found this idea on Pinterest!

It was amazing to see the shapes the balloons took when hit.
You don't see this with the naked eye!

"Let me show you how it's done!"

Al's pharmacist, Harry, gave us some LED rocket copters.  A bit hit!


Hide 'n' seek

Much fun!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Birds on Dauphin Island (and alligators!)

There are a lot of birds on Dauphin Island.

Fascinating to watch them dive in the ocean after fish.

Josh caught a close up of a pelican as he flew overhead.

Seagulls dive for fish too.  Break-neck speed!

The heron was not injured during the ensuing chase.   And Eli is not pointing a real gun.  

 Least terns

My last lesson with the grandchildren was about the birds on Dauphin Island.

I included some of the birds from Dauphin Island in this book.  In this "book" there is a place to mark off birds they will see or have seen (here or at home).  It has a coloring page of many common birds along with a description about the bird.

There were 2 lessons I wanted to speak to the children about.  One was that each bird has characteristics that distinguish them from other birds.  Some birds ARE hard to tell apart (like the various sparrows), but for the most part, you know if it is a heron or a sparrow.  Crows and bluebirds do not look alike.  

What is it that distinguishes us as followers of Christ?  Paul says that God predestined us to be conformed to the image of Christ.  The Holy Spirit works in us to help us to increasingly look more and more like Christ.  We will never be without sin here on earth and sometimes we can be down right ugly.  But a Christian boy or girl should look different.  What are ways others can say "I see Christ in you."?

Humility, patience, kindness, being forgiving, grateful, helpful, grateful, friendly.  These should be characteristics that mark us.  Not being prideful, quick to anger, disobedient to parents, etc.

I read them the "kamishibai" (paper story) I have from Japan (it is in both English and Japanese). Here is Christ's message about His love and care for the birds in Matthew 6.  Another lesson about birds.  "Be not dismayed what e're betide, God will take care of you..."  a precious hymn I had them learn.

Allen and I took Hannah with us to visit the bird sanctuary on Dauphin Island.  The others weren't too keen to go.  I really want to visit this place in the Spring some year!

"Dauphin Island has been named one of the top four locations in North America for viewing spring migrations! The Sanctuary consists of 137 acres of maritime forest, marshes, and dunes, including a lake, a swamp, and a beach. Recently, the 3 mile trail system within the Sanctuary has been designated as a National Recreational Trail. It is located at the Eastern end of Dauphin Island, a 14 mile-long barrier island situated off the Alabama Gulf Coast.
The Sanctuary is of vital importance because it is the largest segment of protected forest on the Island and the first landfall for neo-tropical migrant birds after their long flight across the Gulf from Central and South America each spring. Here these birds, often exhausted and weakened from severe weather during the long flight, find their first food and shelter. Of the 445 species officially documented in Alabama presently, 420 (95%) have been observed on the island. It is also their final stop before their return flight each fall. The Bird Sanctuary has allowed Dauphin Island to be recognized by the National Audubon Society as being “Globally Important” for bird migrations."

gulp! yikes!

 In case we get eaten by an alligator, we took a "last" picture.

 A guy came by and told us that he could call the alligator for us.
He made a deep gutteral call.  He said it was the cry of a baby alligator in distress.
It wasn't long before the gator began to swim toward us!

I was glad we were above him and he couldn't reach us.

It was so exciting to see the osprey with their young!

"Look at the birds.  They don't plant, harvest, or gather the harvest into barns.  Yet, your heavenly Father feeds them.  Aren't you worth more than they?"  Matthew 6:26
