Saturday, September 14, 2019

Cousins' Week: A zoo day

After a "nutritious" breakfast - ahem - we put off our Psalm 23 lessons for later that afternoon, as we wanted to get to the zoo before it got too hot!  We took Kobi to the Friesens for the morning.

I don't know as if I'd ever seen a donkey? like this.

 Claire loves her horses!

 This guy cracked me up!

 Hannah loves elephants!

 They must have put treats inside the log for them.

 The elephants were eating and we decided to dig out our snacks too.

continuing on to the tigers


 Such pretty birds!

Here she is from  2015

and from 2012, the others!

After the zoo, the crew were hungry so off we went to find lunch.

 Then back to pick up Kobi from the puppy-sitters!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Cousins' Week: Sophia's birthday

We made a birthday cake for Sophia.

Her birthday wasn't until the end of the month, but we wanted to have a cousin's party!

We would celebrate at dinnertime.  In the meantime, we had things to do!  Like these two working on composing a song.

 And painting their cups they got from EtCetera for our Christmas party.

These two playing checkers

As usual, we had a lesson from Psalm 23.  On this day, the verse was:
"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows".

Kobi joined us in the "shepherd's fold" for story time.  

A shepherd will prepare a tableland, an elevated and fairly level plain, for the sheep.  It is a perfect place for summer grazing.  Trees have to be cleared, brush burned, weeds uprooted, poisonous plants gotten rid of.  Any gopher holes must be filled in so the sheep won't break their legs.

                                   DO NOT BE AFRAID or discouraged, 
                            for the Lord will PERSONALLY
                                 go ahead of you.
                           He will be with you;
                      He will neither fail you nor abandon you.
                                        Deuteronomy 31:8

"In the presence of our enemies".  Maybe it is a kid at school who is mean to you.  Sometimes husbands and wives are enemies. Even children and parents can be enemies!  Or people at church!  Behind it all is our arch enemy, Satan.  He does not want any to follow Christ.  He will do anything to malign Him and often he uses God's people to do it. 
God will help us to deal with our "enemies".  

We are to pray for them. 
"Pray for your enemy.  Do good to them that hate you."   Matt 5:44
"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."  Romans 12:18  

Our Shepherd knew about enemies.  They killed Him!  But He defeated our ulitmate enemy when He died and rose again!  A day is coming when we won't have to worry about any of that!  You should read this book!!

Image result for all things new eldredge

He anoints our head with oil.  
Sheep have flies that bite at their heads and lay eggs in their noses.  A shepherd will put oil on the sheep's head so he won't get sick from the bites and eggs.  

God tends us too, and mends us.  
Image result for Shepherd (Jesus) tends sheep

"I Myself will tend My sheep, I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak."  Ezekial 34:16

   Outside play

Conquering the enemy!

They decided to add the big pool at the bottom of the slip in slide. 

A girl and her dog.  Lots of LOVE!

Party time!
12 years old!