Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Loving you

This past week we celebrated Valentine's Day.  Adam sent me a picture of the breakfast pancake he made for Claire.  (He is known as the Breakfast Man!)

For supper, they had a heart shaped pizza!

I remember doing that when my kids were young.  Red jello (heart shaped, of course), sandwiches cut out in heart shapes, heart shaped cookies.....)

Mindy is very healthy when it comes to food, but there is this one thing.  She LOVES Little Debbies!  She cannot resist them!  I sent her this box.  She admitted that she had gone looking there in San Francisco where they just moved to, and could not find them!

I sent the other families some goodies too.  We don't go all out spending lots of money.  Just a little something to remind them that we love them!!

 Al and I shared cards and some chocolates.  Look at this card he gave me!  I have kept all his cards to me over the years.  I made him a card with pictures of US.  I am loving the adventures we have had over the years!  

There is also a card from Claire and also there is a vintage card that belonged to Allen's mother.  I cherish precious old things like that.  Yes, I keep them.  (see below)  My kids can throw things out when I die, but for now, I like to take them out of the box and look through them.  Brings me joy!  My mother also did that, as did Allen's mother.  

I taught the Christian preschool, Sunday School and Awana Cubbies this past week and used the above box in the Valentine lesson I taught.

"Because Your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise You."  Psalm 63:3