Friday, December 4, 2020

In His hands

 "In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind."                                                                                                           Job 12:10

We said our goodbyes to Staci and Eli.  Emeri was still asleep.  We knew she proably would be so had said our goodbyes the night before.  Staci and the children haven't started attending church since they reopened. 

We went to the early service of New Heights Church.  They were testing some new equipment.  Josh was working on it.

You give life, You are love
You bring light to the darkness
You give hope, You restore
Every heart that is broken
Great are You, Lord!

It's Your breath in our lungs 
so we pour out our praise, we pour out our praise
It's Your breath in our lungs 
so we pour out our praise to You only!

After the service, we gave our son hugs and headed back to Kansas.  We took another route - south!  The opposite direction from Kansas, but a friend of Staci's had told her how beautiful the trees were on 49.  

The trees had probably peaked a day or two earlier, but they were still pretty.  It is a nice drive!  Maybe too nice.  I looked at Al and he was beginning to nod.  I touched his shoulder "Are you sleepy?  I can drive."  He said he was ok.

As we continued on, all of a sudden in front of us was a large metal container of some kind right in the middle of the highway!  We couldn't get over since a semi was in the other lane.  Al swerved to miss it.  Oh my goodness!  It could have spelled tragedy!  Or eternity!

At 40 we went west to the Muskogee Turnpike where we headed north towards Tulsa.

We've been through Tulsa many times but never the way we went, taking the Broken Arrow Expressway to 75 and heading north.  

It was a new view for us of this city and up to 166 in Kansas.

We drove close to Sedan, Ks.  We need to stop sometime!  They have the world's longest yellow brick road that circles the entire downtown area.  

Liberal, Ks is the town that claims to be Dorothy's hometown (from Wizard of Oz) however.  

In actuality, Dorothy Gale is simply from Kansas, no town given.  It was filmed entirely in Los Angeles at MGM's Culver City studio.  The first time I ever heard of The Wizard of Oz was when I was 20 and they showed it at the University of Kansas.  I did not know about this story having grown up overseas.

I wonder what this building is? or was?

In the heat of the political battle.  

It was a dark, cloudy, rainy day.  It was beginning to lull Al back to sleep again!  But luckily a nudge woke him up.  I offered to drive again, but he said he was awake now.  God had His hand on us as He always does!

Guess they didn't want to make the road through this grove of trees for some reason.  We went through several small towns - Dexter, Burden, Floral.  Never been here before.

We passed several cotton groves.  More and more cotton is being grown in Kansas.

We got home in time to run to church for a dear friend's viewing.  Allen had to work the next day and would not be able to attend Willard's funeral.  Before Covid, we would help at the nursing home and help wheel him and others to chapel for Sunday night singing.  We never knew that last February was the last time we would be able to see him. 

God holds our lives in His hands.  Today, tomorrow, we never know when we will see Him face-to-face.  This morning in my personal devotions I was thinking of this.  Won't that be such a day when we can look into Jesus' face and He into ours?