Friday, December 25, 2020

Baby's Name

When our kids come home for Christmas (tonight and tomorrow), there will be a gender reveal for newest baby coming next June to Mindy and Jason.  They probably haven't come up with a name yet, and perhaps may not reveal that until the birth.

In my devotional "Our Daily Bread", I read "Here's one conversation Mary didn't have to have with Joseph..
              'Joseph, what should we name the baby?'"

The angels who visited Mary and then Joseph told them both what they should name the One who was coming.  

" You are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins."  Matthew 1:2.   (Luke 1:31also.)  
                             Jesus saved me!!

He would also be called Emmanuel which means, "God with us".   God came in the flesh - "diety wrapped in  swadding clothes".

That gives me such comfort.  God WITH us - with me!  I am never alone!  At times my feelings tell me I am, but He says that is not true.  And He never lies.

Other names given to Christ were "Wonderful Counselor".  He counsels me!

Mighty God - I am weak, but He is not!  

He is the King of Kings!  The nations may think they are powerful, but He is the King over them!  "The Lord is the true God; He is the living God, the eternal King."  Jeremiah 10:10

He is the Light of the World.

Everlasting Father -  He is my Abba, Daddy.  He holds me, cherishes me even more than a loving earthly father loves his child.  Forever!!

Prince of Peace - when I am filled with anxiety and fears, He tells me in His Word "Do NOT fear!" He says it 366 times in the Bible!  One for every day including leap year!  I think He knows how fearful we can be.  He IS my Peace.

Isn't this a sweet photo?  I saw it on Facebook.  It reminds me of another word for Him.  The Word.  "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us." John 1:14  

There are so many names - Comforter, Refuge, Shelter.... I would encourage you to do an Alphabet Praise list.  Use the concordance if you need help and begin to write out all the names or characteristics of God from A-Z.  
Say, "Lord, You are...."
my Burden bearer
my Deliverer
Well, you get the point.  There are so many for each letter.! Except  X or Z maybe.

He is the Name above all names! (Phil 2:9)

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Getting ready!

Tomorrow is Christmas!  And soon our kids and grandkids will be coming!  I have gotten the house ready!  The tree is up and presents wrapped.

I added a new "addition" to our grandkids' ornaments.

Lots of people do a fancy tree, but mine is filled with sentimental ornaments.

Some are from Japan where I grew up

I have snowmen from the each of the states our kids live in;
and an ornament I cross-stitched for my mother

These animals have stories behind them

I have several from friends

and from my Aunt Millie

There are several birds, because I love birds!

Some are from our family trips to the beach

and travels overseas

This represents our firstborn's first Christmas gift

And this year's ornament

"The stockings were hung by the chimney with care..."

and on the stairsteps too.  
The mantel is not big enough for all the stockings!

The house is decorated...

  Do you know the true story behind Santa?  Nicholas of Myra (Saint Nick) lived in the time of Diocletian's heaviest persecution of Christians - a time when the executioners were so tired from killing Christians that they had to take turns in their work.  Nicholas was branded with hot irons when he would not deny Christ, and then had his skin pinched with pliers.  
  After persecution ended, he spent the later part of his days founding orphanages and helping poor children.  Today we hear very little of his suffering for Christ.  It is more glamorous but less glorious to make Nicholas the prisoner only into a Santa Claus.  He went to be with the Lord in 343 AD. - Voice of the Martyrs

My mother's creche

And this one was from my childhood.
One of the ears of the horse is broken off.

The table has been extended to seat all of us.  Next year we will have to add a highchair!

I love all the cards we receive each year from around the world!

Beds and pallets have been made.

(next year we'll need a pak and play!  Our crib was broken and had to be tossed)

Merry Christmas from our home to yours!!  Perhaps yours will be noisy and chaotic, or it might be quiet.  Maybe lonely.  Remember though, you are never alone!  You needn't be.  Christ has come.  Emmanuel - Christ WITH us!