Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Having Fun

These days have been troubling, haven't they?  Despite that, we chose to have fun  when the kids were here.  

Some of it was at our expense!

Of course, we had to play "Murder In The Dark!"  We turn off all the lights and a "murderer" lurks around getting his victims.  But if someone runs across a dead body, they yell "Murder in the dark!" Lights are turned on and accusations made.

They also enjoyed playing an on-line edition called "Among Us".

We enjoyed many games.

Telestration - 
Everyone first writes a phrase.  It can be anything.  Like "running in the park".  It is passed to the next person who will draw a picture of what the phrase said.  The next person looks at the picture and writes what they think it is.  Sort of like the old fashioned telephone game.

I believe the picture below had first morphed into Chewbaca climbing the mountain. 

The next person studied it and wrote down "Stacy" who is Adam's adventuresome sister.  Yep, that fits!  That girl has traveled all over the world multiple times!

Playing Guess Who? family version

The original game pictures were replaced by our own family photos, including pets.

Nerf Wars

Samurai Claire

Adam took the older kids to Walmart and gave them all $1 to purchase something for the best value.  When they came home, they showed us their $1 item(s) and gave eloquent speeches why we should vote for their item as the best choice!  Chocolate bar and Santa hat, whistles for all, bath bubbles and bath crayon, plate and cup.  Which would you vote for?

Fashion show

Family photos (we took another family photo when Mindy and Jason were here before Josh's arrived.  You can see those pictures here.)

Good Eats!

Lots of discussions and laughs

Claire usually woke up earlier than the others, not long after we woke up.  I found it so very sweet that she would have her own little devotions.

She uses this book. 

Psalm 119:165 "Abundant peace belongs to those who love Your instruction; nothing can make them stumble."

Isaiah 48:17
"I am the Lord your God, 
     Who teaches you what is best for you, 
Who directs you in the way you should go.
    If only you had paid attention to my commands,
your peace would have been like a river,
your righteousness like the waves of the sea."

Peace, true peace comes from the Lord.  I am so excited for the new series we will be having at our church this coming month about the importance of reading God's Word, listening to the Lord each day.  In our troubled world, He is the answer!

You can listen on-line here.  Jack showed a survey that those who spend just 4 days a week reading the Bible have less feelings of being lonely, anger issues drop, bitterness in relationships, alchoholism, feeling spiritually stagnant, pornography, all drop in significant proportion!  God meets us and fulfills our lives, y'all!!  He will help us not be discouraged!

"Have I not commanded you?  
      Be strong and courageous.  
    Do not be terrified; 
         do not be discouraged 
          for the Lord your God will be with you 
            wherever you go."
                      Joshua 1:9