Tuesday, March 23, 2021

A couple of days in Wisconsin

Getting behind here...back to my trip to Wisconsin.  On Saturday, I attended the Awaken conference at Jill's church.  Laura Sandreti, author and blogger was the keynote speaker.  

The title of the weekend was "Fearless" based on Philippians 4:6-7.  She spoke about finding her identity in Christ, and not in labels people give you.  About believing in God's Word to the core, not just mental assent.  She shared about having struggled with panic attacks for years.  It is not something that holds her down now, however.   She was so funny; a delightful speaker!

Claire enjoyed breakfast with me before having the day with her daddy.

It was fun to meet Laura and find our connection with Japan.  Her mother is Japanese.  She knew just a few words.

The day was wonderful and I enjoyed going to 2 workshops also.   Next year's keynote speaker - my beautiful daughter!  I will have to be sure to go back to Wisconsin for that!

Al made record time driving all day from Kansas.  God answered prayer in giving him safe travels and not falling asleep at the wheel!  And he brought the new mattress for Hannah!  And Kobi.

Hannah's twin mattress went to Sophie and Sophie's old mattress was one we were taking back to Kansas for us (for when the kids come to visit).

On Sunday morning, we went to church.  We are enjoying Adam's sermons on Revelations.  Satan's desire is to destroy.  He is like a rabid animal that wants to kill as many as he can before he dies.  He is a dragon who has been slayed but not dead yet.  He has been defanged, but his power is in his accusation.  As believers, we have a target on our back.    We need not fear.  Jesus is always interceding for us.  We are not alone; He is with us!

For dinner, we went to Schmitty's.  So good and such big helpings!  We were able to take lots of leftovers home!

Monday, the children went to school, Adam had work, Jill had on-line classes.  

Allen and I did studying of our own.  I also did some reading and talked with my friend Grace from back home.  She told me her mother grew up here and she just happens to have cousins who live around here!

Allen and I picked Claire up from school and took her to gymnastics class.  She was so excited that we would be able to watch her perform!

We enjoyed playing games in the evening.  (Hannah was at choir practice)  After the family went to bed, we packed up what we could.  We would be leaving for home in the morning.  Such a short time with the family.