Wednesday, May 19, 2021

May endings

The evening we came home from Arkansas, I got news that my Aunt Wanda had passed away.  She and my uncle Wally (my mother's brother) were missionaries in Paris so we didn't see one another very much, but I remember getting letters from them!  We lived in Japan and my mother's sister lived in Mali, Africa.  Two other brothers lived in the States, but they all kept in touch by letters and a round robin tape-recording.

We would see eachother when our furloughs would correspond.  Like here in 1962-63.  In 1968, we finally were all together after 18 years.

We visited them in Paris when we took our children to Europe and Africa.

I visited them in Ohio a couple of years ago and relished the sweet fellowship with them!  I blogged about that.  Post here.

In these past 2 1/2 weeks, I know 8 people personally who have passed away!  It's uncanny.  That has never happened in all my years.  

A friend told me "Nobody ever dies until they have accomplished the purpose they were sent to earth for."  Christ made each of us for a purpose.  

Oh how He loves each one!  No matter what you have done or how you feel about yourself, Christ longs for you! 

"Your eyes saw my unformed body;
         all the days ordained for me were written in Your book
     before one of them came to be."
                          Psalm 139:16

Our last breath on earth,
                 our first in heaven.

Al's mother passed away 32 years ago.  She was 2 years younger than I am now.
Her birthday is in May!  How I miss her and I can't wait to see her once again!  Oh the joy!!

May also brought an end to normal year activities, like my young mom's Bible study.

We learned about putting on the armor of God.  Very fitting for these difficult times!

I teach the Awana Cubbies Bible stories each week.  And this year's Awana finsihed last week.  Some of the younger ones will be back but the older kids graduate to the Sparkies!

Closing ceremony - our kids recited Psalm 23 

 "yea though I walk through the valley..."

Our community life group from church meets every other week and we have had to miss the last two.  For the summer, we will not meet regularly, but will we have a few get togethers.  We went out with one of the couples after the National Night of Prayer at church.

My "old ladies" Bible study (my peers) finished our study "Finding I Am".  Group picture, missing a few women who had conflicts.  That was the case with the young mom's group too.

We will still meet for sewing and coffee during the summer.  

Of course Mother's Day is in May and my family and a special prayer warrior from church made me feel special.

Al took me out for dinner.  It ended up that this was 3 meals worth for us!

Thank You, Father, for Your leading all the time.  You are ever with us!

Some through the waters, some through the flood,
Some through the fire, but all through the blood;
Some through great sorrow, but God gives a song,
In the night season and all the day long.