Tuesday, September 21, 2021


 A couple weeks ago, it poured rain here.  Our creek began to overflow.

Luckily, the creek does not flood our home.  Only one time in all our years here did it come up 1/2 to the house.  I need not worry.

One day as I was walking around our pond, I thought I saw an alligator!

It was only a log, but for awhile, it took my breath away!  I need not worry about a log!

Al called me outside to show me this guy.  I looked him up and told Allen that he wasn't venomous so we let him be.  But this guy was pretty huge and just a little frightening!  But he wouldn't hurt us.

Have you been feeling anxious lately with all that is going on?  Overwhelmed? I have to admit I've had to regularly bring my worries to the Lord or I'm filled with dread over the future.
"Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you."  1 Peter 5:7

I like this song:
     "There is a place of quiet rest, 
              near to the heart of God.
       There is a place of comfort sweet,
                  near to the heart of God."

Sing to the Lord!  Take time to read 2 Chronicles 20.  I LOVE this story!!!  It was a fearful and dangerous time for the people of God.  But like them, we can meet danger with praise!

Birds don't worry; they sing.

Nations are raging and waring.  It feels like our world is falling apart.  Anne Graham Lotz says "The world is not falling apart.  It is falling in place."  I like that!  God IS in control.  Evil men may think they are, but they aren't.
People are angry at those who haven't been vaxed.  There are people who are not persuaded and are sure this is is not a true vaccine.   There are too may adverse reactions and deaths from it.  So no way, no how, are they going to take that jab.  I have friends in both camps.

 Lots of angst. 
 The tension among people is great.

I have friends who are dealing with illnesses that don't seem to have a good outcome.  Friends who are in isolation and so lonely.  A couple of friends whose husbands have chosen to leave.  So many heartaches.

This picture below are my "older" friends.  I love my girlfriends, my sisters-in-Christ.   We PRAY for eachother and ENCOURAGE one another.  We have many trials we are going through.  I am so grateful for their support!

We are meeting together to study the life of Elijah.  When I think of Elijah, I think of a man larger than life!  But he was a man "just like us", who was hungry, tired, irritable, discouraged, despondent, doubtful and insecure!  

Yet God used him as "an example to us of what happens when an ordinary life intersects with an extraordinary God."  When we are afraid, overwhelmed with life, we can look to the Lord.  Seek His face!  Hold His hand!  Reach out for Him!

What would I do without God?  He is my strength!  He holds me up!  Hosea 2:15 says "I will make the Valley of Achor (means valley of troubled) a door of hope."   

The Hebrew word translated hope is "tikvah", which in its root meaning pictures a cord attached to a thing longed for.  In the midst of fear, the God of Israel is throwing us a life line - a door of hope.  

Jesus is our Lifeline - our Rescuer!  

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;
my hope comes from Him."
Psalm 62:5