Saturday, November 20, 2021


"A smile is the quickest way to brighten a room." 

That what was written on the inside wrapper of the chocolate that Claire had  placed on my pillow case.   

My first morning there, Adam took Sophia to her cello lessons and Jill, Claire and I went shopping to fill up our Operation Christmas Child boxes.  I decided to shop for a girl just Claire's age, so she helped me decide what to put inside my box.  We do this every year!

One year though, our church did our own Christmas boxes to take to a children's home in Haiti.  Hannah and I went and helped deliver these boxes!

After lunch, I took Hannah and Sophia out.  Correction - Hannah took us out.  She is 16 and driving, after all!  She first took me to the Starbucks where she works and she got me some coffee!

Then we went shopping!

Sophia is growing an avocado plant.  She started it from the pit!  I'm impressed!

I collect birds, but Sophia collects ducks!

Hannah has done some free hand painting in her room.  Pretty nice!

Not sure where Claire was...

Sunday morning, Jill and Adam left early for church.  We realized that the 3 of us were dressed in the same colour theme.

We were excited to have Kyle, their new worship pastor, back.  He had been quite ill with Covid - hospitalized - and it was evident that God had put His hand of healing on him.  The doctors were surprised how quickly he recovered.  I told him that my ladies at Bible study had been praying for him also.

Claire taking sermon notes; highlighting verses.

After church, Adam and Jill left for their retreat.
We went to Hannah's Wizard of Oz play at the highschool.


Good job, Hannah!

You girls make me smile!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Pink elephants

On my way to Wisconsin again!  My granddaughter was going to be in a play and I was also going to "kid sit" (they aren't babies anymore, so it isn't babysitting, is it?) while Adam and Jill went to a retreat.  

For some reason, I did not get a good night's rest the night before the drive.  Only about 4 hours of sleep.  Prayed that the Lord would keep me alert as I drove.  Initially I was going to leave after my Bible study, around noon, but it was cancelled due to a funeral at the church.  So I got an early start and decided to drive further than I normally do.

This time I was driving by myself as Allen could not get off work.  I took Highway 24 going northwest of Topeka.  What this is?  A teeny, tiny church?  Does anyone know?  If we ever go this route again, I will have to pull over and go up that hill.

Fall trees

Old and new

I come from Amish roots on both my mother's side and father's side.  Allen does too (because we are related, as most Mennonites were.  You didn't used to marry outside the church).

Last year when I took my granddaughter, Emeri, with me to Wisconsin, (post here) we encountered a tornadic storm.  I am guessing this was damage from that storm as it was the same area.  Leaves had grown back.  There were several miles of tree damage and buildings being rebuilt.

I listened to some politics, which can be agravating (but got to stay informed!) so then I have to be encouraged by listening to several preachers, and sing along with worship music too.  I felt the prayers of my friends while I drove.  I never got sleepy at all.  (Although if I do, I can pull over for a cat nap!)  God's protection.

I arrived in Cedar Rapids as it was getting dark.  Since I am not supposed to drive after dark (due to eyesight), I stopped at a hotel, this time on the north side of the city.  I have never driven on the north side of Cedar Rapids before!  

After this long day, I was ready for some walking.

The next morning, in my devotions I read Matthew 24 and 25 and also 1 Peter 4.  It was so refreshing; like a healing salve to me after listening to what is happening politically on the radio yesterday!  We are in His hands.  This mess of a world should not take us by surprise.  

One cool thing happened.  I had decided to fill up with gas because I knew there were several miles of not much.  There was a gas station just on the edge of town, right before the open country.  So I pulled in and filled up.  I just happened to notice that my phone charging cord was broken!  Oh, my!  I use my maps app on my phone and I really needed a cord.  And guess what - a Walmart was right there too!  I was so grateful to the Lord that He let me see that before realizing it in the middle of nowhere and having a dead phone.  It isn't like I need a map app to get to the kids - I know the way by memory, except when I do go off-road and then I do!

I LOVE the old farmsteads!!  And red barns!

And here is the barn that finally collapsed!  We have been watching it fall apart for several years.


I was going to hit Madison at the lunch hour, so I decided to go north at Mt. Horeb.  One thing I love about going on back roads is going through little towns with unique buildings.  I wanted to be in architecture at one time.  Debated going to college to do that.  

There was a detour on the road I was going to go north on.  And what a delight to go on these "roller-coaster" roads!!!

I laughed with joy!  Such fun!
This beats an interstate any day!!

I'd love to see the inside of this house.

You would probably never see a pink elephant on a main road!

Wisconsin is known for it's dairy farms - and cheese.

I saw a "dairy" horse!

 And it wasn't long before I was at my destination!!  Claire ran out to see me, all dressed in a Christmas sweater!  WHAT?  We have to celebrate Thanksgiving first, girl!!

"Jump for joy!"  from Luke 6:23

"Blessed are you when men hate you, and ostracize you, and insult you, and scorn your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of Man.  Rejoice on that day and jump for joy, for behold your reward is great in heaven.  For in the same way their fathers used to treat the prophets."  Luke 6:22-23

Sunday, November 14, 2021

All you do is travel...

 Someone made that comment to me.  Well, yes, I do love to travel - a lot! - but I do have a life at home too!  Truly.

Of course, there is always laundry and ironing.  And cleaning house.  As empty nesters, there isn't as much as in years past though.

I sometimes bake - usually to take a meal for new moms or for a funeral or for our small group.

It always makes for lots of dishes that need to be washed!

We meet every other week with our Community Life group from church.  We love our "family", encouraging one another and praying for each other.  

Recently, one of our group had a father who passed away, so we attended the funeral.  After the service, they took him to the cemetery in the back of his truck.  Such a neat idea!  What a wonderful send off!

Our friends Dave and Sarah, and Joel and us help lead a Sunday School class for young marrieds/families.  We really enjoy these couples!  Today we had a cookout.

I teach young moms at church.
What a sweet bunch of girls!!

Bonnie, from church, always sets up our room nice and cozy! Thank you, Bonnie!!

I teach Awana Cubbies.  What a joy to do this!!  I love teaching little ones about God!

The Christian school nearby asked if I would give a lesson at chapel.  I brought a box of hats to show the children - construction, fireman's, coast guard, nurse, pirate, cowboy....  They were to guess what job a person who wears a hat like this has.

I put on a crown.  "Who is the King of all kings?"  "Jesus!"
Then I pulled out a crown of thorns.   "Who wore this 'hat'?" I asked the kids.  I did not put it on my head....those were real thorns!  But our Lord DID wear a crown of thorns.    

"But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, 
Christ died for us." 1 Peter 2:24    What an amazing truth!

Weekly I go on a prayer walk - so many to pray for!

I don't get to Wichita often, but when I can, I love to walk with my friend there!

I try to walk regularly.  My ex-walking partner, who has moved away, tries to keep me accountable!

I am in a Bible study with women my age and older.  This year we are studying about Elijah.  Excellent!!  Also, we have been meeting once a month for almost 3 years, sewing dresses and shorts for a children's ministry in Haiti.  We completed our project this month!!

With the chaos happening right now in that country and with American citizens being asked to leave for the time being, we aren't sure what will happen.  We are in touch with the leaders there and hopefully soon, we can ship these to the children there!

So, I AM busy at home!  I'm not ALWAYS on the road.
 But these grandchildren do keep me hitting the road often!!