Friday, January 7, 2022

Wonderful Christmas season - 1

What a blessed Christmas we had!   Although we saw grief also.  Four people we know passed away and I know that those families are feeling emptiness this season.  I remember seven years ago now when my mother passed away on the 15th of December.  It makes for a different Christmas.  

Christ is Who we celebrate, no matter the circumstances!  The Prince of Peace has come!  

We can cast our burdens on Him!  As life's cares and trials come, may we not fall into deep sadness, but have His peace in us.  A song in our heart, for He is the Victor!   The King of Kings is coming back!!

                  In the meantime, He will sustain and carry us!

My uncle Bill was one of those four who passed away.
"Our last breath on earth, our first in heaven!!"

Our Colorado kids got Covid, even the baby.  They had a few rough days.  But luckily weathered through it.

In my journal (diary) I wrote "Mind racing with all on my "to do" list.  It's really quite overwhelming.  Lord may I prioritize and keep calm. 😀  In Your presence is JOY forevermore.  Time with You is #1.  All else may be chaotic messes, but must not neglect my precious time with You each morning!"  
It helped to make a daily list and check those things off one by one. 

The first Sunday in December, at church we had a prayer and dedication for the dresses and shorts my "older women's" Bible study has worked on with Dress A Girl Around the World and Dress A Dude.  We have worked on these once a month for the past 3 years!

Boxing them up and shipping them off!!  (with a secure system)

Thank you, dear friends, for sewing with  me!!  What a delight to do this and to pray for the children in Haiti that will receive these!!

We were able to watch our granddaughter's Christmas program on-line.  Our daughter, Jill, is the music teacher, and I thought she did a great job directing it!!  The two older girls both sang solos for their Christmas Eve program at church.  

My young mom's and older women's Bible studies had Christmas parties (forgot to take pictures!).  I had lunch and gift exchange with my friend Sheryl, who has moved away and back in town.

We went to see the film Chosen.

Our Community Life Group (small group) from church went to a nursing home to do some caroling.  Due to Covid restrictions, we were not able to mingle and give out hugs, but we hope they were blessed by the singing!

We went to our home to have Christmas treats and play games.

Tarenda gave a moving devotional about passing on the faith.

We had a wedding reception at the Craft House!!

Congratulations, Chloe and Joel!!!

We had a Christmas Eve service at church followed by our traditional drive around town to see the lights.  This year, our friend Carol joined us!

I prepared all the bedrooms in the basement and made a menu plan for the anticipated arrival of our children and grandchildren!

The day after Christmas, Mindy sent a photo.  They were on their way!!

They arrived around noon.

Tenley went down for a nap and so did we!
Mindy posted on the family text
"Mom and Dad are really excited to see us."

We really are!!  

The Wisconsin kids were on their way too!!
It would be quite late before they arrived.

Our son's family from Arkansas arrived right after Tenley's bath and before she went down for the night.  They met Tenley for the first time!

We were going to have a great family time!!