Friday, August 12, 2022

Parasailing and a sunset cruise on our anniversary

 While we were on Anna Maria, we celebrated our 47th anniversary.

We decided that day to go parasailing with the family.
They gave us a few rules before the boat took off.

At first, Jill said she would just ride along.  She said she was afraid of heights.  But it was only $20 more for her to go up than to ride so we convinced her to try it!

She was going to face her fear!  I suppose most people have a fear (or two) of something.  I used to be pretty terrified of dogs.  With 4 granddogs, I'm learning not to be afraid. Some people are afraid of snakes, enclosed spaces, spiders, the dark, loud noices.... Other people might be afraid of the future as the world gets crazier and the governments are over-reaching or threatening wars.

I have to remember to keep my eyes on the Lord.
"Do NOT fear, for I AM with you" the Lord says over and over in the Word of God!  I love John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  Tell Him your fears.  "Hold" His hand and walk the scary path with Him.

Jill was overcoming her fear!

The 3 girls were geared up.

A little dip in the water

Jill loved it! She said it was actually smoother up in the air than it was on the boat.  Now it was the girls' turn.

They loved it too!

Now it was our turn!

It was absolutely breath-taking and I wished I had my camera with me, but we worried about dropping it in the water!  I found a picture on-line that shows similarly what we saw:

A dip in the water

My worry was what if a shark saw a juicy T-bone for the picking!!

When we got back, we said good-byes to our kids so we could celebrate our anniversary.  We went back to our AirB&B to shower and then we drove to Sarasota.  

I've always wanted to see Pinecraft Village.  It is a winterhaven for Amish and Mennonite snowbirds.

We were there over the dinner time so not many out when we drove through. I found this picture on-line since I didn't get any of people.

 Winter is a better time to walk about and visit with these distant relation.

My great-grandmother was a Kaufman.

It reminded me of the town of Yoder and west of Hutch near us.

We then drove to the harbour of Sarasota where we were going to go on a sunset cruise.

This was the cruise "ship" we were going on.

There was a group called FPL that came on board.

This lady was standing by our table so we asked her what FPL was.  We were thinking it was some techy company as most of the people were young people.

It was Florida Power and Light.  This lady asked us where we were from.
"Where in Kansas?"
"North of the city of Wichita.  Newton."
"Oh, close to Hesston."
"Hesston?!  How do you know about Hesston?!"  
Hesston is a small town of about 4,000!  
How does someone in Sarasota, Florida know about that?? 
Well, she grew up in a Mennonite home in North Dakota.  AND, she was a Graber!!  What?!  And she had married a Kaufman!  A distant relative for sure!!  Of all the people on that cruise boat, we happened to talk to a relative.  Wow.

The boat took us by these nice homes.

How about this?  The smaller boat let their people off on a sand bar.

We passed a peninsula on our way out to the open gulf.
Hello, people!

Other boats were taking people out to see the suset.

Unfortunately, this evening, there were clouds out. 
Here's a spiritual analogy! - the world can "cloud" our vision, can't it.  We need to look "through the clouds" to the Son of God and see things from His perspective.   

The sun set and we headed back to shore.

And then we headed back to our B&B.  What a fun day it had been celebrating our 47 years together!

I wouldn't mind parasailing again someday!

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Shopping on Anna Maria

Anna Maria Island has free trolleys that run up and down the main thoroughfare about every 20 minutes.

The trolley stop was catty-wampus across from the kids' place.

It was mighty hot waiting for the trolley some times.  We usually had someone run across to check out the time of the next trolley so we didn't have to wait, but sometimes the trolley might be a little late.

The trolley is nice and you don't have to worry about parking.

Even special seating for "elderly".

One morning we rode the trolley to The Donut Experiment.
You pick out your icing; choose your topping; choose your drizzle.

Hannah and I went shopping after donuts while the others went back to swim.

Our favorite place!  Lots of shops inside!

We took the trolley to this reasonably priced restaurant. I think it was the only bbq place on the island; most places offer sea food, which the Wisconsin kids don't like.  The owners are originally from Minnesota.  Florida is much warmer!

We went to the pier one evening.

There were shops close by...

...and an ice-cream place called Two Scoops!  We went there a couple of times!

We took the trolley to the Bridge Street shops.

(Notice Papa with his wallet.  There was a lot spent on this little chocolate!)

This island is just so cute and such fun!

It is laid back and restful.