Thursday, September 29, 2022

Fall has begun

Would you believe we did not travel out of state during the month of September??  But our Colorado kids did come to be with us!  

Tenley does NOT like men, and that includes Papa, unfortunately.  At first, any way.  When he'd get close, this was her reaction.

But she got to the place where she didn't back away from him.

She would not hold his hand though.

Would you pray for Baby Sister?  There are some concerns about this little one's arrival and health.

My 2 granddaughters are learning to drive this fall!

Larry Hatteburg came to speak at Life Enrichment on the college campus in town.  We really enjoy his show "Hatteburg's People" on PBS!  When I heard he was coming, I HAD to go!  His show is how I found out about the doll museum in Towanda as he interviewed Barbara.  He was surprised she was still operating.  She is 86 and still fixing those dolls!

Our small group, CLG (Community Life Group) began meeting again after a little break.  We were missing the Loewens, who were babysitting.

Fall means Bible studies are back in session!  My "older women's" Bible study is pictured below.  We learn so much from each other!!  We are studying 1st & 2nd Peter by David Jeremiah.

My friend Sarah has come alongside to help me teach the young moms!  She is definintely an answer to prayer!   We also are doing the same study!

I am helping with little Awana Cubbies again this year.  I love teaching those little children about Jesus!!
 A "Chia pet" came to visit!

Our friends celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary!!

Allen's siblings came to our house for a Graber get-together.  We sure do enjoy laughing - a lot!!

We finished decorating for the melodrama we were going to have at our church.

The play was finally held at our church.  It was a hit!

September is coming to an end along with cooler weather.  There was a nip in the air this morning and I wore a sweater to Bible study!  There are travel plans in place for October!  And people coming to stay at our home.  

Of course, we can plan but it is the Lord who directs those plans.  We never know what the next day will bring.

"We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps."  Proverbs 16:9