Thursday, October 20, 2022


 When we were planning the trip to Branson, Josh asked if we'd like to zipline.  "On my bucket list" I replied!!  So he reserved tickets for  all of us.

It really was a fun morning as we ziplined from tree to tree to tree.  It took most of the morning.

These were our super great guides.  They kept it fun and kept anyone from getting nervous about it.

Then we went on a mountain coaster.

I found a video of it on-line.  This lady probably had her breaks on a bit.  You can slow it down, or you can zip down FAST!!  Unless, like Allen, a lady in front of him braked the whole way down so his coaster, that had a detector on it, also slowed down.  They told him he could get a free ride, but he didn't.  He should have!

Another thing on my bucket list is to take a hot air balloon ride!  What about you?

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

A trip to Branson

 Last Thursday morning there was a beautiful sunrise.  God reveals Himself daily!

In the morning, Allen mowed the lawn while I headed off for church to be in Bible study.  I wouldn't be able to stay the whole time, as we needed to get on the road.  But I LOVE being with my sisters-in-Christ and hate missing it!  

We left for Branson just before noon.  

We arrived at our rental in Branson around 5.   It was a nice place.

our bedroom

Our son and daughter-in-law's room

The kids shared the bunk room

A nice view on the back deck.  (I am using some of Josh's photos along with mine)

Josh's family was already in Branson.  After dropping off their little Reggie at the sitters, they had a 2 hour drive and then were spending the day shopping (the girls) and at Silver Dollar City (Josh and Eli.  Eli's friends from school were there so they hooked up.)  They had to drive Staci's Dad's vehicle because someone stole their vehicle's catalytic converter this past week!

Staci and I had decided to each plan one evening meal and one breakfast.  It was my turn this evening and we fixed super tacos.  

The kids arrived after dinner was fixed and we enjoyed the evening visiting.

The next morning I fixed french toast, German sausage and scrambled eggs.  After breakfast and devotions, we left for Silver Dollar City.

The first thing we did was stop to eat these HUGE cinnamon rolls.  We bought 2 and shared them.  Our 2nd breakfast of the day.  I might say there was a lot of eating here at this theme park.  It cost a "silver dollar" too!!

We waited a LONG time for this ride.  We were almost at the beginning when there was a glitch and they closed the ride down.  Bummer.  But we were given a fast pass so that when it would be running again, we could get on right away and not wait in line.

Staci got soaked!!!  Luckily Emeri had brought an extra leggings along so she could change out of her sopped up geans.  Later on, while visiting with a college friend, she accidently left her geans behind.  Hours later, she went back and found them!!  Guess no one wanted wet geans, even though these were brand new geans she had just purchased!  Lucky thing!

There is a nice place where one can relax for awhile.  Mid day we were a little tired.

Train ride!

What a fun day we had!!  More fun plans for Saturday and Sunday too!