Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A week's time before baby's arrival!

On Sunday, we prepared for church.  Of course we played with Kobi before we left the house!

Claire showed us her self-check in for Sunday School.

They were serving soup in the "cafe" so we had some before going home.

Because Sophia was sick, I was able to use her extra ticket and go watch Hannah's musical again!  We weren't even sure we'd be able to see this play at all!  With Mindy's baby's arrival, we didn't know if it would work to come.  There were complications with this pregnancy and it was all worrisome.  It was a miracle that she was able to carry this baby this long!!  Yet, we knew God was in control of the situation.  If it meant we were partway to Wisconsin and had to turn around and go to Colorado, we would do that.

We had a short visit with the family; short but good!!   Early Monday morning, we left the house.  We had given good-bye hugs the night before.

Good-bye Wisconsin family!

They were putting in new electrical poles along 151. 

 Much bigger than the old ones.  See the comparison?  Have you noticed that the posts are rather rusty looking?  Why don't they put in shiny silver ones?  Do something so they don't rust?  

Pretty countryside!

I LOVE red barns and I snapped quite a few on this trip.  I really love this one!

A repurposed barn.

A new metal red barn.

We took Highway 30 west out of Cedar Rapids.  Most of it is four-lane except for a portion.  It will be nice when done!  We angled on 330 to Des Moines.

At KC we took 152 across to 435 and to Highway 10 to Lawrence.  I think I like 36 across to St. Joseph and 70 to Lawrence better.  Less stressful as far as traffic is concerned.  And of course, when we aren't in a hurry, I love to take country roads to places I've never been before!!  It is fun to go through little towns across America!  Well, not just America.  I prefer traveling through little villages anywhere in the world than big metropolices!

We stopped in Lawrence to eat dinner with Al's sister, Julie.  We visited a couple of hours.

It was dark when we got home but there was a full moon peaking through the clouds.  I took a load of luggage into the house and got my big camera with the tripod, but the moon had slipped behind the clouds by the time I got back outside. I noticed that most of the leaves on the trees had fallen to the ground while we'd been gone. 

We received a text from Mindy that she had her last OB appointment before the baby's delivery!  Less than a week and I'd be on the road again!

On Tuesday I did laundry.  And we lost our internet.  It needed to be updated they said.  We went several days without internet.  Do you know how much we rely on it??

Wednesday I had a young mom over for a visit; packaged up a Samaritan's Purse shoebox;

took a meal to a friend who was recovering from surgery and told the Awana Cubbies' story. 

I also learned that while we were in Wisconsin, our neighbor died.  So shocked!  She was only 58.  I took a package of goodies to her daughter who lives with her.  We never know what day that will be for us.  We must be prepared. I'm so grateful for the Word of God that teaches us His truth!  About how MUCH He loves us!!  That He has a plan for each of us.  That God is with us to comfort us and guide us each day.  He tells us how we are to live now and what to expect after we die!  We can have peace about that!

Psalm 90:12 ~ "So teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom."

John 5:24 ~ "I tell you the truth, whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."

Thursday morning I had Bible study.  Thank you, Carol for teaching us!!  We are taking turns leading in 1st & 2nd Peter this year.  Each person has led with such wisdom!  I LOVE this group of women.  Such prayer warriors!  We've seen many answers to prayer!

I walked with my neighbor and her dog and saw an amazing sunset!

On Friday I went to Wichita to visit with a new Japanese friend!  We had bumped into eachother in Branson and exchanged information and found out we lived close to eachother!

On Saturday I packed my suitcase for Colorado.
And on Sunday I drove to Denver for the arrival of another grandbaby!