Friday, January 6, 2023

Gifting and family pictures

 Mindy called.  "Kaia just woke up from her nap and she's wide awake!  Let's Facetime and do cousin exchange!"

Reggie was ready in his little reindeer costume!

Papa and I also received gifts from Tenley and the family.

Perfect for those long car drives to see all the grandkids!!

Tenley and Kaia enjoyed their gifts from their cousin exchange!

After the cousins were done, Papa and I had a little Christmas quiz that we gave the family.  Questions like "What form of transportation did Mary and Joseph use to get to Bethlehem?"  Most people say Mary rode a donkey, but the Bible does not say.  A friend who has studied 1st century Jewish culture had told us donkeys were beasts of burden for carrying things, not people usually.  And if anyone rode the donkey, it probably would have been Joseph.  Interesting.  The kids did well on the quiz.

Stockings were handed out.

Then we went around the circle and each person would pick someone else's gift from under the tree and give it to them.  Jill's and us got mugs from Stars and Bucks located in Israel that Josh and Staci picked up when they went last spring.  Yes, Stars and Bucks is an actual coffee shop!

A shirt from "How Ridiculous"

Every year without fail, Al gets these from Jill and one chocolate covered cherry is missing!

I overheard Hannah say one time that her mom NEVER buys her crunchy peanut butter, her favorite.  So that's one thing she got!

I found this paint by number self portrait for Eli.  Really cool!

This book was on Josh's wish list.  When I went to purchase it, shipping was $38!! Shipping from China was so high!  I contacted our friend Randy, who works for CRU and he said he'd look around to see if anyone had it here in the US.  He checked with their Global Dept. and the CRU staff bookstore and also 2 international missionaries and no one had it.  Eventually, someone contacted him and said the author of this book goes to their church in Georgia and he was willing to part with a couple of copies!!  What a blessing!!

Even Reggie got a  treat!

"Do You Hear What I Hear"𝅘𝅥𝅮

Family pictures - without Mindy's family, boo hoo!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Family coming!

We always celebrate Christmas with the family the week after.  Our son and son-in-law are both in pastoral ministry and need to be at their perspective churches for the actual holiday.  But the day after, they were on the way! 

The beds were made and ready.

Gifts were all wrapped and waiting under the tree.

Stockings were hung on the bannister.

Our youngest, Mindy and her family, were not going to come.  SADNESS!  It is rather difficult to travel so many hours with a newborn and toddler.  We get that.

But we would all sure miss hugging and loving on them!!!!!

One year in our young moms Bible study, we talked about our favorite holiday.  For me, it is Thanksgiving.  Most chose Christmas.  I said it was not a favorite of mine.  In fact, some years I have found Christmas to be quite stressful.  A letter to prepare, cards to send out, gifts to figure out....I love all those things, but it can just be so stressful!  But this year I found it delightful and joyful.  One thing that helped me was this devotional from Our Daily Bread.  And the prayers of  some friends.

Except for the fact that Mindy's family wasn't with us, it was one of the most enjoyable Christmases I have had in a while.  I loved spending extra time with Him each morning, focusing on the reason we celebrate.  Focusing on Him.  His gift to us.  Emmanuel, Christ WITH us!  

"Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always. Remember the wonder He has done."  1 Chronicles 16:11