Friday, January 13, 2023

More Family Fun, Part 2

Some other things we did...

We measure each child every year.  Eli grew the most, growing 4" this year!

Josh helped his dad with some projects.  A huge help!  Thank you, Josh!!

We had LOTS of good food.  The kids helped me with the cooking.  We didn't go out to eat for a meal (oh my it is getting so expensive to do that!!) but we did go to Braum's for ice-cream one evening.

They always want to go to Drubers for nostalgia, but it is always closed the week after Christmas.  So we went to Newton Donuts which was very good!

And then to Norm's for good coffee!!  Some lady photobombed this one!

I asked Adam if he'd taken any pictures from Norms because I was sure we had taken a family selfie.  He sent me these:

Oh my word!!   Hannah had taken a NICE picture though.

After that we went shopping to Main Street Company, Et Cetera and Prairie Harvest.

Who doesn't love peppernuts (pfeffernusse cookies!!)?  I have several different recipes for them, but here is a link that would be easy to follow.

AND we stopped at the Bread Basket for pies for dessert that evening!!  We were sure loading up the kids with sugar!!

We did a grandparent/grandchild trip to the zoo!  We used to go all the time when the kids lived nearby.  It was so nostalgic, especially for Hannah!

Obligatory penguin picture!

Look at these old photos of long ago!!  These kids have really grown!!

Hannah when she was smaller than the largest penguin!

And Claire.

I will HAVE to bring Kaia and Tenley!!  They are sad to miss out!!

The kids fed the giraffes.

And last, but not least, we got out the potato gun!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Family Fun - Games, part 1

We had so much fun as a family when the kids came!!  I know we are surely blessed with that.  I know some families struggle so.  Relationships can be sticky.

We learned a new game called Poetry for Neanderthals.  Players earn points by getting their teammates to guess words and phrases.  You are only allowed to use single syllable words, or the other team gets to bop you on the head.

The Quiet Place game based on the movie

Murder in the Dark!

An interactive video game

Tortilla slap!


We worked on 2 puzzles

Went for walks

Sophia took a bite out of a cattail!!???  Come to find out, they ARE edible!!  You can get recipes on-line - for real!!

The kids have played on a "hill" of fill dirt on this site for many years.  They were very sad to see that it has been flattened and is being developed into a housing area.


Eli and Claire enjoyed painting.

Family HUGS!

"Live in harmony with one another."  Romans 12:16
"If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all."  Romans 12:18
"Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity."  Psalm 133:1
(I remember a chorus we sang with these words back in the 1980's.)
"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."  Ephesians 4:32
"So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding."  Romans 14:19
"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interest of others."  Philippians 2:3,4