Saturday, February 18, 2023

Leaving Virginia

After a short night and some coffee, my friend Ruth and I said our good-byes.

I know it wasn't easy for my friend to leave her dear friend Lorrie in Virginia, but she knew Wichita was "home".

The George P. Coleman Memorial bridge, which spans the York River between Glouchester Point and Yorktown, is the largest double-swing-span bridge in the United States, and the 2nd largest in the world.

It is too bad that we didn't have time to visit these historic places that were all so closeby!!   Including Jamestown!  But it is off season and Ruth needed to get to Wichita. And I needed to go to a women's conference at our church on Friday.

 Allen and I will have to come here some day to see all these places!  I love to learn about history!  In high school I hated it!  I got really bad grades.  I've fallen in love with it though through reading historical fiction (usually based on real stories).  We have many such books in our church library.  

As we drove along, we could see icy trees in the higher elevations.

We drove higher and higher. Luckily the roads were clear.

More historical places to see - someday!

So beautiful!

You can see icicles hanging from the posts of the crosses.

We stopped to fill up with gas.  There was a Wendy's attached to the gas station and we decided to have lunch.  While we were eating, the lights shut off.    
Teiden!  停電 (as we say it in Japanese)
The ice-storm had caused a power failure. They closed the gas station and the restaurant.  The workers at the station were pulling all the refrigerated foods off the shelf.  

We watched people pull up to the pumps only to realize they could not pump gas, so they'd have to drive elsewhere.  We were glad we had already filled up!  Wendy's was locked up too.  They allowed us to stay and finish eating though.

 It wasn't too dark in Wendy's as windows let in the light.  Going to the restroom was interesting though.  Luckily our phones have flashlights on them!

(The first picture I took, Ruth had her eyes closed.
I told her to open them wide.  Ha!!  Too funny!)

We continued our journey.

On to Lewisburg, West Virginia!

Friday, February 17, 2023

A flight to Virginia

My friend, Ruth, contacted me to ask if I would be willing to help her drive back to Wichita.  She was moving back and didn't want to drive all those many miles alone.  

My calendar was clear so she purchased me an airline ticket to Newport News, Virginia!  Someone asked me how I knew Ruth. I met her at our church many years ago, 1981 I think.  We had just moved to Newton, and she became my Bible study leader.  Here is a picture of us from back in the day!  We were so young!

Allen drove me to the airport at 9 am.   As I was waiting, I saw a familiar face!  I had not met this lady in person, but we had "talked" on-line just the day before and had even talked about getting together for lunch!  Infact, she had been invited to my home for the "Japanese connections" get-together, but she was not able to come. I recognized her and went over to introduce myself.  We were so surprised to see eachother!  She works with a friend of mine!  Such a small world!

I had window seats all the way - my preference for sure!!  It was a full flight but somehow, the seat beside me was empty!  I didn't see another empty chair on that flight.  There were 2 guys behind me that had never flown before and it was fun to hear their excited chatter! 

I LOVE looking out at the landscape below!  Look at that squiggly river! 


It made me think that often life can feel like that.  It doesn't go in a straightforward way the way we think it will or how we plan.  

I am re-reading "The Promise" by Robert Morgan. 

It is based on Romans 8:28-29.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters."  A more modern version, the Living, goes like this:

"And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into His plans.  For from the very beginning God decided that those who came to Him - and all along He knew who would - should become like His Son, so that His Son would be the First, with many brothers."

I really like the Amplified Version:

"And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.
For those whom He foreknew [and loved and chose beforehand], He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son [and ultimately share in His complete sanctification], so that He would be the firstborn [the most beloved and honored] among many believers."

Jacob for certain thought that God was against him; that life had dealt him a low blow.  His life was all "squiggly" and wrong!  But God had a plan to save their family through Joseph!  

God sees the big picture.  Just like looking from the sky gives a different perspective than driving on the ground.

For my friend Ruth too, life has been very "squiggly", but she is trusting in the Lord's good plans.  We continue to pray for her situation knowing that God has her in the palm of His hand.

At Dallas, I rode the Skylink tram to another terminal.

It was rather jerky so I decided I better sit down and not chance falling over!

I had a 4 hour layover.  Better for me than running to catch another flight.   I wrote a letter to the young moms in my Bible study.  Did some reading.  And I visited with a family with 3 young boys and a dog who were moving to England.  

The next flight was again very full; except for the seat beside me and another one behind me.  The guy on the other side of me didn't speak English but indicated with a thumbs up that he liked the empty seat!

I wondered what this stadium was.  I looked it up.  It is the Cotton Bowl stadium on site of the fair grounds.  It was the long-time home of the annual college football post-season bowl game known as the Cotton Bowl Classic.  The first game was on New Year's Day in 1937.  It has been renovated several times.  
The Dallas Texans and Dallas Cowboys (football),  Dallas Tornados (soccer) and some colleges have played here.  In 1967, the Cowboys hosted the Green Bay Packers for the NFL championship here!

I flew into Charlotte and had about a 15 minute walk to my gate.  All along the way, people were gathered around various restaurants watching the Superbowl wherever they could!  After I found my gate, I also found a spot and sat to watch it.

I had to board my plane when it was tied 35-35.  Luckily, the guy sitting next to me was interested in the outcome and was able to get it on his phone and let me watch it with him.  He was disappointed in the end result.  Not me!  Go Chiefs!!

It got dark and most people fell asleep.  I tried, but didn't have much luck.

I arrived in Newport News around midnight (1 am Kansas time).  Ruth and her friend, Lorrie, met me at the empty airport and drove me to Lorrie's home.  It took me some time to unwind and get to sleep.  We were going to head straight back to Kansas the next morning, so needed to get a good rest.

The one sad thing about this trip was that it would be my first Valentine's  Day without Al in 51 years!!  

My sweetie-pie, my Valentine💓

We've been married 47 1/2 years and dated 4 years before that.  I left a Valentine card and a box of chocolates under his pillow - and when I unzipped my suitcase, I found a card and chocolates tucked inside from him!

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Good-bye to Colorado!

Kaia is so smiley!!

Tenley is learning how to play basketball!  Maybe she will play for the Lady Jayhawks one day!

Heck, she even sleeps with her basketballs at times!

What a sweet time we had in Colorado, but now it was time to go back.  One day Allen will retire and we'll have more time on our hands!

Last hugs

Good-bye family!  Sniff, sniff!

Watching Papa load up the car.

Good-bye mountains!

The day before we left for home, it was snowing again and Highway 70 closed!  There were many accidents.   Odd how our trip this time had snow storms the day before travel!

Snow fog

We got home just as it got dark.

Maybe one day we might be able to have one of these???  It would be so much faster to see our kids who all live in different states!!