Saturday, March 4, 2023

The week in between East and West

It was good to get home!  

(One of my room-mates from highschool in Japan painted our home for us.)

My shoulders were pretty sore.  It was a long drive from Virginia!   But it was good to get Ruth moved into her new place.  I had one week at home before it would be time to go to the west coast!

There were guests in our home.  They had come while I was away.  They had stayed with us before so knew what to expect.  We often use our home to house ministry workers or parents/relatives of those from our church.  We have a comfortable, finished basement with kitchenette.  They come and go as they will.  They stayed for several days, although I didn't see them until they were ready to leave for their next speaking engagement.  It was good to hear how God was using them.

I attended our women's conference at church on Friday evening and Saturday.  It was called Hold Fast and our speaker was Teasi Cannon.  She had a part in the book "Mama Bear Apologetics".

Allen and I attended the funeral of the mother of our friend Steve.  Our parents were both missionaries in Japan.  Two of Steve's sisters went to school with me in Tokyo and I would see them again in less than a week when I went to my Christian Academy in Japan all-school reunion (and our 50th class reunion) in San Diego.  It was a very inspiring celebration.  She had a big impact of many lives!

Sunday morning we watched our son-in-law's church service.  We usually do that first service and go to our church for 2nd service.

Our grandddaughter was on the worship team.

At church I met someone new and found out that I know her sister who is a missionary in Japan!  I love making connections.

Jack spoke on Luke 7.  I LOVE how he brings out 1st century culture to explain the passage!

After church, we had small group which is so special!  We took afternoon naps and went back to church for Worship Night.  So good!!  

I love this song.  Am I willing to praise Him when things are not going well?

The eagle visited our neighborhood again!  

In the evenings, I took walks with Allen and also with my neighbor Francesca.  We walked over to see the new development.

I had Bible study with our young moms on Wednesday and we watched a video on marriage.  In Genesis 2:18, "The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him.'"  The word "helper" is the word "ezer."  It is a strong word.  Also used as military term of reinforcement without which the battle would be lost.  "Come under, defender, supporter."  I love that!

We packed for our trip to San Diego.  We always do carry-on only.  Sometimes it is a challenge to pack it all in!  I needed enough for our reunion and also I would be spending several days with my daughter and granddaughters in Denver!  This is why I love to drive!  I can STUFF the car full!!  

West coast, here we come!!