Friday, March 10, 2023

Marvelous Muffins!

Picture by Martha McMahan.  Friday morning sunrise.

On Friday morning several of us took a walk to a place called Marvelous Muffins.  They come highly rated by Trip Advisor for their cinnamon rolls.  

6:30am - who picked this dreadfully early hour???  Martha? Aren't we on vacation?? HA!  Well, she did want to see the sunrise.  And it was beautiful!

Martha McMahan and Merry-Zoe Underland 

The map showed that Marvelous Muffins was only .6 miles away.  We decided they were wrong.  Infact, when we got back, Merry-Zoe's Apple watch said we'd gone 2.3 miles.  

Look at the guys.  They were way ahead of us with no worry about their wives who were lagging behind!  

See the Taco Tour van?  Wouldn't that be a fun tour to go on?  Eating tacos all around San Diego?!

This mom and pop restaurant was really good!  Delicious! and the owners very friendly.  And very busy!

Choices galore!

A gentleman took our photo.  They were in San Diego as his wife had competed and was now the World Hall of Fame Martial Arts champion!

Allen Graber (my husband), Tim and Martha McMahan, Harry and Merry-Zoe Underland, Rick Seely and myself.

We walked back to the hotel; our tummies were happy!   

This guy needs to try the delicious treats!

"Ahoy, matey!  Marvelous Muffins ahead!"

"They should have brought us a cinnamon roll!"

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Flying to San Diego, 50th highschool reunion

It was finally the weekend to go to my highschool reunion in San Diego!!  The Christian Academy in Japan all-school reunion and also my 50th class reunion!  50 years!!  How am I that old???


We got to the airport and parked in long term parking.  It was so VERY COLD as we waited in the covered waiting area.  There was a stiff wind.  It would have been helpful if it was heated!  The wind chill was probably -17!  I don't know, but it sure was freezing as we waited for the shuttle to come and take us to the airport.  Luckily, it was a short wait!  Yay!

During security checkin, Al was frisked!!  He doesn't look dangerous to me!  But he forgot to take the keys out of his pocket.

We saw two couples from Newton.  One was an aunt and uncle of Allen's pharmacist's wife.  The other were Matt and Steph from church.  Steph is a dear mom in my young mother's Bible study!  They were headed to Utah.

The first leg of our flight took us to Denver.  See the irrigation circles of the farms?  The plane flew right over our family farm!  It was under the belly of the plane so we couldn't actually see it.

Snow in Colorado.

So close, yet so far.
Our daughter, her husband and the babies live in Denver.
My plan was to get off on the way back!

On the next flight to San Diego, it was cloudy so we couldn't see the mountains at first.

There was a little break in the clouds and we could see some ski runs.

And canyons.  The ground ripped apart.

"God ploughed one day with an earthquake,
And drove His furrows deep!
The huddling plains upstarted,
The hills were all aleap!

But that is the mountains' secret,
Age-hidden in their breast;
"God's peace is everlasting,"
Are the dream-words of their rest.

He made them the haunts of beauty,
The home elect of His grace;
He spreadeth His mornings upon them,
His sunsets light their face.

His winds bring messages to them
Wild storm-news from the main;
They sing it down the valleys
In the love-song of the rain.

They are nurseries for young rivers,
Nests for His flying cloud,
Homesteads for new-born races,
Masterful, free, and proud.

- Streams in the Desert

If these canyons could talk, would they have said "This hurts!!  Oh, the pain!!"  when the ground erupted and split apart?  Often our lives are scarred and shattered.  When our lives feel broken, don't we want to cry?  It is those times we need to hold onto God and lean on Him.  Trust Him.   See His all sufficient strength and grace to get us through.  I am so dependent on Jesus!  He IS good!

"Those who are broken in wealth, and broken in self-will, and broken in their ambitions, and broken in their beautiful ideals, and broken in worldly reputation, and broken in their affections, and broken ofttimes in health; those who are despised and seem utterly forlorn and helpless, the Holy Ghost is seizing upon, and using for God’s glory." - Streams in the Desert

There is beauty in the brokenness.  
From upheaval to beauty.

I always try to get a window seat!!  My face is pasted to the window as I love to see the scenery!  

Here we are!  San Diego!!

We arrived at the San Diego airport 1/2 hour late.  We were going to take an Uber, but Tim and Martha graciously offered rides to any who wanted!!!  All we had to do was text them!  They came to the airport time and again for anyone who wanted a ride!  They patiently and unselfishly waited at least a 1/2 hour at the cell parking place for our plane to arrive.

(A mistaken selfie.)

The CAJ "shuttle"!!  

They drove us to the hotel (Best Western Plus Island Palms on Shelter Island), our stomping grounds for the weekend.  

Even after 53 years, I recognized Bobby right away!  He was so cool in highschool.  And still is!  He was part of the CAJ Reunion Planning Committee along with several others.

Al and I watched a navy ship sail by.

After settling in, we walked down to the meeting room.  

Arrival of snacks and breakfasts for the "Shimizu" shop, a table filled with goodies!!  They kept the table full all the time!

 (Photo by Dan Sims)

Shimizu's was a small shop/market where we could walk and get things like ramen and snacks.  All the students loved going there, but being in the dorm over the weekend, we especially loved to go there on Saturday!  The Shimizu's are now retired; their son and daughter-in-law run the store, but mostly they sell rice, kerosene and alcohol.  No more snacks.  (I didn't have a photo of it, but found one on-line.)

One of our classmates, Ken, told me the following:
I remember getting 14 pieces of gum once. One piece was Y5, but if you got an 'atari' you got to choose again. The gum had a picture of an Indian brave on it and the shade of colors would tell you if it was an 'atari' or not. I bought one, it was an 'atari' so I could choose another one. I kept going until all the 'ataris' (with a bull's eye on it and an arrow in it) were gone. They had 13 'ataris' but after the 13th, I knew there were none left but I had to choose, so I chose the 14th piece and of course, it wasn't an 'atari'. Anyway, I took it to the dorm and shared it (I think; it's been a while!).

Below is a photo of our school in Higashi-Kurume (Tokyo).  My dorm was the one in the middle front, behind the wall.  I still remember which rooms were mine the years I was there.  Shimizu's was along the path (on the right) going to the school.

Most of the people were arriving the next day.  Some were delayed due to winter storms.  We saw our friends, Joyce and Grace!  Joyce was a room-mate of mine one semester. Grace and I used to hang around together; she was a year older.  They both live in Texas now, but we had just seen them the week before at their mother's funeral in Kansas.

They really haven't changed much from 1971!

We helped the committee with some last minute work, putting together information packets.  We formed an assembly line to do this.

Then several of us went out to eat at the restaurant that was in the hotel.  I had the clam chowder.  Oh yum!!

Al took some photos of the bay in the evening.

So excited for this weekend!!