Friday, March 31, 2023

A visit from our Colorado kids

I had just been in Colorado and now the kids were coming this way!  How great to see them twice in the month!  

We had lots of fun playing.  But they also helped us with some house chores.  Time to put out the purple martin house!  They would arrive soon!

Getting ready to watch the KU game!  Rock Chalk!
Tenley (and Mindy!) is enjoying the farm set.  

We got it for Josh for his first Christmas!  A well-loved toy!

Kaia cheered them on, but KU lost.  I actually had them losing.  Shame on me, huh?  BUT, tooting my horn here - I actually won the Graber Bracket Challenge bracket!!  I have never ever done that, and quite frankly it was sheer luck.  

Tenley helped Papa rake up some leaves.

They loaded up the pickup and took the leaves and branches to the burn pile.

Taking a walk around the lake.

I sure do love being a Nana!

Kaia smiles so much!!

Tenley was "talking" her own language.  
Tried to record it but didn't get it!

But I did get Kaia making some new noises while they were here.

Ha!  Maybe not yet, Papa.  But one day you may drool also!

There was some Cocomelon-watching going on.  
Even the guys got wrapped up in it!

We watched our son-in-law preach on-line, then I took Tenley to Sunday School.


We forgot to tell Papa to smile!  Mindy thought Papa's unsmiling face needed some editing!

While we were having fun with Mindy's family, Jill's family was enjoying Chicago!  A green river for St. Patty's Day!

And our Arkansas grandson is about to grow taller than his sister, who is 2 years older.  They are both taller than I am.  
I remember when my younger brother grew taller than me!

Next time we go see these kids, I get to pick up the Graber Bracket Challenge trophey from Josh!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Dwell together in unity

"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"              Psalm 133:1  

Another version says "How delightfully good when brothers live together in harmony."  (Of course this means, mankind, both men and women.)  

We used to sing this verse as a chorus.  I looked for it on-line and found quite a few songs with various tunes.  The one I found that was the one I learned was in Hebrew as well as English.  I believe we did this for aerobic dance back in the 80's.

I am so very grateful for the dear friends and family that have enriched my lives.  In this world that is full of hate and fighting (all over the globe!!) I praise the Lord for His gift of friendships.  I just heard a quote this past week from CS Lewis: "Battles are ugly when women fight."  Of course, it is ugly no matter who is fighting!

Our friend and retired pastor spoke on the Sunday after we returned from Colorado.  A good charge on living our lives.

Our small group met and shared pictures of our grandkids!  We missed a few of our group.

I love my little friends in my Awana Cubbies.  There are 12 in my class.   They bring me such joy!

One of them brought me some "flowers"!

I met one of my friends to say "good-bye" for now.  Hopefully we can visit her in Japan someday!
She introduced me to Paris Baguette!

And I had lunch with a couple of my friends in Hutch at a new place too. Koi Ramen.

A friend posted this.  I laughed!  If that is you, consider making friends!

I went to a funeral for a friend who had been so encouraging to me.  It happened so fast and I was sad that a get well card sent to the hospital as soon as I found out she was there was returned as she was no longer there.  She had heaven, with Jesus!  Didn't get to say "good-bye".  But I'll be able to say "Hello!" one day!!  And she'll say "Debby, you're here!!"

Another joy was that Mindy's family was coming to "dwell" with us for a few days!


Yay!!!  The girls did so well on the 8 hour trip to Kansas!  (Next post!)