Thursday, August 31, 2023

Busy days with the girls

More blessings of time in Colorado:
These girls keep busy!

It was time for Kaia's nap so I took Tenley to story time at the local library while Mindy stayed home.

A very busy story time!

When we got home, it so happened that Kaia had not slept.  Her mind is in super hyper-learning mode right now.  Lots of learning going on in her brain!

So we went for a drive.  

Both girls ended up falling asleep.

In the afternoon we went to the nearby rec center that has a nice pool for the girls.  

Tenley was so brave and would jump in to us, fully going under the water.  She is starting swim lessons this week.

The next day, we played alot.  I think Kaia even said the word "moo" while we were playing with a Little People cow!

Jason made it home and that evening we ate at an Italian restaurant.  It took awhile to get our food but we enjoyed breadsticks (and cheerios).  The girls were glued to a fun show while waiting for more food.

Kaia was loving the creme brulee!

We went to the park after dinner.

Mindy fixed Grandma Lois' Belgian waffles.

Bear was hoping Kaia would drop some of it!   Please, oh please!

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!  His love endures forever!"  Psalm 118:1

Monday, August 28, 2023

Off to Colorado!

 The wheels on Nana's car go round and round....all the way to Colorado!

It is still August so lots of bugs found the windshield!  This time I turned at Limon and took scenic 86 to Kiowa, then north on Ute road, to Airline road and onto 30th.  The foothills of the Rockies!  It makes me happy!  We have a road north of us in Kansas called Happy Hills Road.  Very appropriate!!  The wheels on Nana's car go up and down, up and down....

But first I made a stop overnight at my friend's house.  Allen and I had seen the Starlink satellites 2 nights in a row.  Have you ever seen them?  You should look it up to see when it is best to see them at your place!  This is not my picture, but here is what you can expect.

I wanted Sheryl to see them too so we drove out away from city lights.  But she lives far enough west that they were only faint.  The sky was too light.  Mostly, we were just attacked by mosquitoes!!

Sorry to leave you with mosquito bites, friend!  The next morning, Sheryl's daughter dropped off 3 of her children to be babysat for the day.

I left them after a eating a delicious coffee cake.  As I was driving to Colorado, I listened to 70s music.  My era.  Jim Croce, James Taylor, the Carpenters.  
"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down!"  
Well, not true about that.  I do love rainy days and on this Monday I was going to see my grandbabies!!

I just LOVE to see my grandbabies!  "Atarimae!"  Naturally!!

This is a book I gave the girls.  When we read it, Tenley pointed to the grandma and said "Nana!"

While I was there, Kaia learned to climb up the slide!

Jason had to put up a gate because that little baby is getting around and she gets around FAST!!

Jason left on a work trip early the next day.  After breakfast, we walked to a nearby park that was shaded.


This was the coolest stroller!  She put up the shade cover.   You can move it whatever direction you need to get shade.  And put it away if you don't need it.  The stroller folds up nice and flat so it is easy to store.  And has gobs of other features!

When we got back they played with the water table!

We also colored and I told Tenley the story of creation from Genesis 1 and 2.  After naps, we went to the Museum of Nature and Science.

I think all kids like to push buttons!

We went out for dinner.

I have fallen in love with having an egg on a burger.

A couple of busy days...more to come.