Friday, October 13, 2023

To the mountains

I've often heard the phrase "Mountain or ocean".  Does there need to be a choice?  Both speak to my soul!  The ocean is further away for us.  We go every year at least once.  But we have kids close to the mountains.  And we go see them as much as we can!

I wanted a mountain "fix".  Jason said he would take care of the girls so we could go.  Tenley waving "bye bye"!

We didn't hit the peak of the aspens this year.  They peaked the next week...but we had other plans for that week.

I offered for Mindy to sit in front with her daddy, but she was just going relax in the back seat!  And it lent me to taking photos out the front window.

I love to watch cold mountain river creeks rippling over the rocks!

We stopped for lunch in Nederland.

I loved this stain glass piece.

I think I could stand to have a cabin in the mountains.

There was a wedding going on at Saint Catherine's Chapel on the Rock.

Speaking of reminds me of this verse I memorized years ago.

"You will keep in perfect peace 
           those whose minds are steadfast, 
           because they trust in You.  
 Trust in the Lord forever, 
       for the LORD, the LORD Himself,
                  is the Rock eternal."   
                        Isaiah 26:3,4  

Forever.  Everlasting.  His faithfulness is unending!

When we doubt His goodness, when we complain about our circumstances, we are saying to His face, "I don't like what You are doing, God!  I'd sure be doing this differently!'   Do we disregard His process in our lives?  Trust the process.  Trust in the Rock eternal!  He is refining us.  Pray that your faith will not fail.  When we trust Him, He gives peace.  PEACE.  If you are feeling agitated, restless, anxious, hassled, tied up in knots, cling to the Rock!  He offers the gift of PEACE.

Not sure these deer had much peace crossing the road.
Or the drivers who had to brake for them!

Going back home.

Sheesh.  Halloween is not my favorite holiday at all.  I just see the evil in it.  But some people really go all out for it.  I do love to celebrate Autumn though!

When we got home, we watched the Jayhawks.
They won!

We took our grandparent picture that evening.  We'd be leaving the next morning.  Early mornings aren't the best times to take pictures.  Bedhead, attitudes...

We took a walk around the block.

After baths, Tenley built herself a tower taller than herself!

We packed up our car in the morning for the long drive home.

"Good-bye Kaia.  Will you miss me?"

Good-bye to Colorado!  Until next time!

The gas station at Colby was really busy!  Never seen it this full!  Everyone traveling to see the aspens?

I'd love to know the stories of these early settlers.

Psalms 121:1-2 

"I look to the mountains; where will my help come from? My help will come from the LORD, who made heaven and earth."

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

A little celebration

The kids sometimes go "play" at the outdoor sports place.  It can be a scary place!

Better learn how to protect oneself!

Wolves frighten me! Truly!  I've heard one too many stories.  Grandma B. once told us that wolves chased our ancestors in the woods of Prussia.  And wolves also chased my ancestors in Ohio back in the day.  

We are told in Isaiah 65, that one day the wolf and the lamb will eat together in peace.  But for now the "wolf", that evil one who hates us, comes to attack and scatter.  John 10.  Jesus tells us that He is the Good Shepherd.  He lays down His life for us. 

The "danger" here at the outdoor store was fun, but the real world is filled with real danger, isn't it.  Satan wants to destroy God's people.

My heart is so heavy for what is happening over in Israel.  What do we do?  We pray. We need to trust in Him.  He is in control.  

I've been drawn to Psalm 37 three times over the last couple of days.  It sounds like it was written for today, it is so applicable!  Psalm 36 too.  You should read these Psalms.

"Do not fret because of evil men....
     Trust in the LORD....
   Commit your way to the LORD...
               Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him....
Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret - it leads only to evil....
          A little while and the evil will be no more...
If the LORD delights in a man's way, He makes his steps firm...
He is their stronghold in time of trouble.  The LORD helps them and delivers them; He delivers them from the wicked and saves them because they take refuge in Him."


We walked around the store.  In a way it would be fun to have one of these boats.

Ummm.  Just a little pricey!

We can dream.

On the way home, we stopped to pick up dinner to celebrate Papa's birthday!  They were out of pecan pie so Papa picked out a cheesecake for his dessert.

Happy birthday, Sweetheart!

Good thing there weren't as many candles as there are his years!!
Could he blow them all out???


He received calls from the other children.

After dinner, we went to another park to play.

She is a brave girl!

One day, little girl, you'll be able to keep up!