Saturday, January 6, 2024

Christmas celebration - the kids come

Today, Jan. 6, 2024, we finished putting away all our Christmas decorations.  As Al was taking down the mistletoe, he said "This mistletoe was defective for me this year", so I promptly kissed him!

Christmastime with our kids was bookended with snow.

(I love these paintings by Inessa Morozova!)

We plan for the kids to come the week following Christmas Day, since Adam and Josh need to be in their churches Christmas Day and Mindy is with Jason's family beforehand.

Christmas Day snowfall

Snowfall on the day after the last child left 

On the 26th, we had our Life360s going so we could track where everyone was.

We have a family text chain and everyone sent in their photos:

Jill's family left early and made it in time for supper.  They had lunch at one of their favorite spots.

The cousins were so happy to see each other

It was super cold and sleeting, but the guys grilled salmon and chicken on the deck.  We also had roasted brussle sprouts and asparagus.  Scrumptious!

There was much laughter and it was VERY loud!

I whispered to Al "we started this".  💕  "Kinda cool" he replied.

See that silver tray?  It belonged to Allen's grandmother.  A friend made those coasters from a tree limb.

After everyone had gone on to bed, Papa had discussions with the older kids; predestination, aliens, Genesis 3....  You know, "light" subjects.  😉Things Papa likes to impart to the younger generation.