Friday, March 22, 2024

The library and the flight

 On my last day in Denver, we attended library hour with the girls.  

Songs and stories

There was a little Amerasian boy sitting on his nanny's lap next to us.  He kept looking at Mindy, saying "Mama".  The nanny told us that Mindy did look like his mother.  She showed us her picture on her phone.  

The little boy scooted off his nanny's lap and sat on Mindy's lap and kept looking at her.  "Mama".  We were told that his mother was Korean.

"Does his mother speak Korean with him?"  "No, she doesn't speak.  Adopted."  Just like Mindy!

After story-time, we went downstairs and the girls played with toys and colored.

After lunch, while Mindy went out for a little "alone time", we took naps.  Moms need that!  Later, I packed my suitcase.  I was gathering things together and couldn't find my driver's license!  Oh no!  I wouldn't be able to get on a plane without that!!  Mindy came to my rescue and found it, then said she should have not found it so I could stay longer!  

I prayed a blessing over the family, and had a hard time keeping back the tears!  Wah!!  Mindy called an uber for me.  Good-bye girls!!  Probably the last time at this place as they are moving to a new home!

Mindy sent me a text.  "Kaia lost it when you left and she kept swinging her head around looking for you."

"Now they are playing with rocks."


I enjoy people watching.  At my gate, I had about an hour to watch people come and go.  One family was chasing after their little toddler who was making his way to the moving sidewalk!  They caught up to him, luckily.

It was rather interesting to notice that probably 4 out of 5 people's travel color preference was black.  I was wearing black too.  

The plane was rather empty; the seat beside me was not taken.  Nice.  Although I always ask the Lord, that if He has someone He wants me to cross paths with, that it would happen.  I've had some pretty neat conversations with people sometimes!

Good-bye Denver!

Next month when I see this little one, I am guessing she will be running all over and not so shaky on her legs!

Monday, March 18, 2024

The Denver Aquarium

"How many are Your works, O LORD!  In wisdom You made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures.  There in the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number - living things both large and small."  Psalm 104:24-25

We went to the Denver Aquarium close to noontime.  Not only were tickets on sale over that time period, but the animals were quite active!  And fewer people too, since it was lunch time.  

Before we entered the building, there was a talk about porcupines outside.  Porcupines?  Didn't think there'd be mammals at the aquarium.  I didn't know they were so large!  I don't believe I've ever seen one before.

It was feeding time for the creatures; not only the sea creatures.

?A fox at the zoo?

The otters were swimming back and of Tenley's favorite animals!  See, she has Mr. Otter in her arms.

An otter nest.


Looks like he is smiling!

This orangutan moved and "spoke".  We think Tenley thought she was real.

Sure, tigers belong at an aquarium, right?  I'm glad they were!

There is a secret play room at the aquarium.  Mindy read about it and the girls enjoyed the time there.

When we left the building, there was a demonstration of an owl!  This guy's eyes are orange and they have named him Pumpkin.

WHOOO would think we'd see an owl at an aquarium?

The best time I'd ever had at an aquarium!