Saturday, June 8, 2024

A bad day

 Ever have one of those days when things just go wrong?

I did a load of laundry but the machine didn't work.  Ugh.

I made some bran muffins and they looked so weird.  So flat.

As I double-checked the recipe, I realized that I had forgotten to add the oil and the eggs!  They weren't the worst - a mite chewy perhaps.  I put them in a baggie labeled "goofy".

I made another batch, and that one burnt.  Ugh again.  I should quit multi-tasking. I'm getting too old to do that!  Luckily the next batch turned out perfect!

Somedays you just want to stick your head into your shell.

Or maybe throw a fit?

(We found out Kaia had a double ear infection, which was why she was unhappy the day I took this photo.  She is such a happy little girl so her throwing fits was uncharacteristic!  Can Nana throw a fit when she has a bad day too?)

A few years ago, I made this illustration from Colossians 3:8-14 to show that God wants us to put off, take off negative attitudes and put on His character.

In the Streams app., there was this prayer that I just loved.  I have to share it!

May You teach us the lesson of cheerfulness, O God. We are too easily irritated and cast down. We let little troubles and difficulties discourage us. Our joy is too easily overclouded. Our song of gladness, too easily turns into a dirge. We fret ourselves needlessly, and fail to rejoice always. Sorrows come over us like a flood, and bury us away beneath their dark waves. Our gladness is too easily turned to sadness, as life's cares and trials come upon us.

We hear You bidding us be of good cheer, because You have overcome the world — telling us that though we have tribulations we may have peace in You. But the lesson is not easy. It is hard for us to keep the song always in our heart, and the sunshine always in our face — when there are so many cares.

We come to You, pleading that You will teach us how always to be cheerful. Help us to such a strong, quiet, firm faith in Jesus — that no matter what may come into our life, we may ever rejoice. Rescue us from disheartenment, no matter how great its cause may appear to be. Help us to cast every burden on You — sure that You will sustain us in carrying it. Help us to learn to rejoice even in disappointments, knowing that if we could see all as You see — we would find beauty and good in everything which seems to us painful and dark.

We desire to be ministers of cheer to others. Forbid that we should go out with sadness in our faces, which shall cast a shadow on other lives. May we be sunshine to others. May we show to all the world what grace can do in making us messengers of gladness. We ask this in the name of Him who overcame the world and can give us peace. Amen.

"Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath."  Psalm 116:2 NLT

The day ended with a beautiful sunset.  A good ending to a bad start.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Outdoor fun


We had lots of fun outdoors when I was in Colorado.

Now that Mindy has a yard, she is having to learn how to take care of plants.  We stopped at a nursery to ask questions about care of some of those.

It would be nice and warm in the afternoons but it got a little cool in the evenings.  End of May, so not quite summer yet.

She kept saying "Cheese!", as she posed several different ways.

                        Sister love.

They have deer that come over the ridge in the evening.  Up to 18 of them!

 Do you see the magpie in the upper part of the photo?

It has a nest in their tree.  Mindy heard babies calling for Mama.

She was busy getting food all day long!

Taking a little break.

Mindy sent me a picture of those babies this week.  They have really grown!  She says there are 4 of them.  No wonder that nest was so big!

One afternoon, it began to hail.  Quite a sight!

The few days out in Colorado were too short!  

See you soon in Wisconsin for our family vacation!  New swim suits have been purchased for that!

Monday, June 3, 2024

Nana or Nani?

 While in Colorado, we took a little ride out to the mountains.  

Even before we were out of the neighborhood, Kaia was asleep.

I cannot imagine riding a bike UP the mountains!

Tenley did not sleep.  That would mean an early night for her and maybe a little grumpy evening.

Speaking of attitudes, Kaia has learned the word "MINE!"

Bear would love her food, but he won't ever take it without it being given to him.  He is a really good dog!  Kaia need not worry.

Daddy called the girls a few times to see how they were.  He LOVES his girls!

The girls have a fun little play room.

We took a walk around their neighborhood.

"Look, Nani!"

My first granddaughter, Hannah, was the one who first called me "Nana".  Not sure how that comes from Grandma, but somehow, there are lots of Nanas. 

But now, Tenley thinks I should be Nani.  I have often wished I would have long time ago had the kids call me "Ba-chan",  the Japanese name for granny.  


But whether Nana or Nani, I will answer to those too!

Tenley helped me make coffee cake one morning.

We had craft time too.  We made birdies in a nest.

I made up a song "Fly, fly, birdies fly" that they love to sing and do actions with.

Whenever I read this Pattibook and get to this page, I sing the song and the kiddos do the actions to it.

Mindy wrapped the table in some craft paper so the kids can color and add stickers to it.  Gotta keep the kids busy and out of mischief!

What fun this Nana - or rather, a Nani - has with her grandkids!