Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Cora and Sophie (my grand-daughter)

I just got to thinking that not everyone who will be reading my blog will know what the darling pink box on the side is all about. If you click on this, it will take you to the Etsy site. This is a website where crafters of all kinds sell their handmade goods. There is some really cool stuff at this neat "store"! A group of Etsy-ers has come together to create and sell items, with %100 of the proceeds going to Cora's playground (a playground at Grace Community Church being built in Cora's memory). You should check it out! It's so neat that all these people (many of whom don't even know the McClenahans) are getting together to honor Cora. There are some CUTE things! I've purchased several neat items! Can't wait for them to come! If you don't know Cora's story, check it out at: http://themcclenahans.blogspot.com/

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