Thursday, March 5, 2009

Yesterday, Jill was not feeling well so Hannah and Sophia came to my house. It was such a beautiful day so we explored the "woods" behind our home.

Hannah was picking these weeds and I heard her muttering to herself "these will be a beautiful get - well gift for my mommy." So we brought them back to the house and tied a ribbon around them for Jill. Aren't they beautiful??

The girls always enjoy playing in the playhouse under the stairs at our home.

Hannah lined up all her friends on the couch...
Lily Mae
Buttercup (the bunny from my yard)

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Last night, Jennifer Veer (Kelsey's mom) and I went out. We love going to concerts and Philip Aaberg (piano), Darol Anger (violin) and Eugene Friesen (cello) were performing at the Stiefel Theatre in Salina. They were accompanied in the 2nd half by the Fairmount String Quintet and Foofaraw Woodwind Quintet. We hear Eugene Friesen often when we listen to 90.1 Nightcrossings at 9:00 in the evening. This music is jazz/new agey/blues. Not sure what you call it. Most of the pieces were new compositions. These guys come from Vermont, Montana and Portland. Eugene Friesen is originally from Hillsboro, not a surprise.

What a place!! Very elaborate little theatre!
Look at the drinking fountain!

This light was suspended from the ceiling in the main theatre.

I felt like we'd been transformed back to the 20's or something.

They didn't allow flash photography and I tried a setting on my camera so I could take a picture of them in concert. Well, it didn't really work. The flash didn't go off, luckily, or they might have kicked me out, but it looks like we watched a performance of ghosts!
One of the numbers that Philip Aaberg performed on the piano he called "That Train" - a spin off of "This Train", which he feels is a little too exclusive. The words of the original song go "this train don't carry no gamblers, this cigar smokers, etc." Jen and I weren't sure exactly how he was taking that. Probably he didn't like the exclusivity of the gospel. But Christ said "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me."John 14:6. Oprah and others of this age don't like that. They feel all faiths lead to God.

Another thought is that the train really is filled with sinners. "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." 1 John 1:8. The only way I stand a chance is through Christ. It is nothing I do. "A man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ." Gal. 2:15, Titus 3:5, Eph. 2:8,9. We are to live for Christ but in ourselves, we can never be righteous enough to deserve heaven. It is only in our faith in Christ's work on the cross. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

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Today is Cora's 1st birthday. She is celebrating in heaven. At Bible study, we put a candle in our coffee cake and sang "Happy Birthday" to Cora. We also sang a verse for Tami, whose birthday is also today.

In the afternoon, we had a meeting at church with Jess and Joel and their parents. We have begun thinking about the design for Cora's Playground. It really is mind-boggling how many people from around the world are supporting this. Very humbling. We are overjoyed with knowing that God's Word is being proclaimed. "All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing." Col. 1:6. Joel and Jess and many with them are faithfully sharing God's faithfulness and love. So many are now beginning to follow Christ and live for Him because of their story.

Tonight is the jewelry party - a fundraiser to help Joel and Jess with expenses. I will also be having a sign up for the Cora Scrabble Tile pendant. That money will go to the playground. It is so neat to see people wearing the necklace and also the messy flower pins! If some of you reading this want one, let me know!

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